Red Wag Platy Or Dalmatian Molly Fry? (Pic)

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Apr 11, 2013
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My tank has two types of fish in it, Red Wag Platy and Dalmatian Molly. I was cleaning my tank today and as I was replacing the water I noticed a tiny little fry hiding under one of my decorations. I had a hunch one of my Red Wag Platies were pregnant - if not two of them. I ran out to my LFS and got a breeder tank to put the mother and the fry into, rather than a whole new tank (I am a novice fish keeper). Upon closer inspection I fear I may have made the wrong assumption as to who the mother was of the fry, it looks as if it's actually a Dalmatian Molly...I've never dealt with fry before so I am completely clueless and google/forums are guiding me through being a parent here.

I am sorry if the picture comes out massive here, I took it from my iPhone.

Looks likely to be dalmation to me.

Fry take multiple feedings a day (3-5) and frequent water changes to make sure water conditions don't deteriorate as a result.
I would suggest moving the adult out of the breeder tank.

Feed the little one every 3-4 hours (4'ish times a day). You can feed it crushed flakes. (crush your normal flakes into a powder). Only a tiny amount will be enough for one fry.

I don't know how red wag platy babies look, but to me that looks like a +/- week old (might be wrong if I guesses your gravel size badly) molly fry with some spots starting to form.
I've got red wag babies, they are bright copper coloured with black fins and look nothing like your fry.  I'd guess they are mollies.
Either way I don't think they need their mother.
Thank you guys so much! All that's left for me to do is figure out the mother and keep an eye on her to see if she's still going birth. I fear she has and they were eaten or sucked up while I was cleaning my tank as I said before. But thank you all so much!

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