
  1. Anubias Banana

    Endler Guppy Hybrid question

    A purely hypothetical question for those who have bred Endlers x Guppies, do you get better results going for male Endlers with female Guppies or male Guppies with female Endlers?
  2. K

    Pregnant Platy?

    Hi! I’m new to livebearers and think one (possibly two) of my platys is pregnant. Can anyone tell for sure? My apologies that the pics are not super clear.
  3. V

    I miss having bottom dwellers

    I want something that'll occupy the bottom. I'm interested in shrimp since they barely have any bio load, but I've also heard they're sensitive. I have livebearers, so if they would eat them, I'd have to get Amano shrimp, which I'm not really interested in since they're not as colorful as other...
  4. Circus

    Are these Muppies or just XL Guppies?

    So a friend close to me bought some tanks that came with fish, which he didn't want. I said I would take them off his hands. Ot was a mixed lot of neon tetra and supposedly guppies, but two of these female are absolutely huge. I suspect they are actually a crossbreed, and therefore infertile...
  5. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    Hey guys! I purchased my 37g tank today! I will be splurging and getting a tank stand as well, tomorrow. I just set it up as much as I could, I will be filling it with water and starting the cycle tomorrow (I got liquid ammonia today, pure ammonia hydroxide). Anyways, I would like to know if my...
  6. carligraceee

    Fry Success Guarantee

    I have had several batches of fry and they have NEVER seemed to survive. Something always went wrong with what I was doing. I want to make sure, that my current batch of three fry don't die. I have one molly and two platys. They are probably a fourth of an inch long, their dorsal fins are...
  7. Dopatri

    Is my guppy pregnant?

    Hi, I’m wondering if my female guppy is pregnant, she looks pregnant to me, but I could do with other people’s opinions. I’m just a bit skeptical because the previous female guppy I bought ended up dying 3 days after I got her. I was told she was pregnant from the store I got her but I’m pretty...
  8. T

    Rural Networks

    New to the site and forums in general. Live in northeast Colorado with little to no pet stores and aquarium supplies. Best local fish store 55 miles away, the closest petco or petsmart is 115 miles away. I currently order food from a few places amazon, brine shrimp direct, etc. I've always...
  9. lazarusthefishboy10

    HELP!!! Is my Swordtail pregnant or does it have dropsy?

    Hello, everyone! I just recently got a male and two female Swordtail two days a go. Yesterday one of the females was fine! But when I woke up this morning it suddenly had a huge belly! I'm afraid it's dropsy, and i don't want the swordtail to die! HELP! And please tell if it is and how to cure it.
  10. lazarusthefishboy10

    Want some tips and tricks on raising platy fry! Check this out!

    Hello, everyone. I just posted this youtube video in the morning and it's all about raising your platy fry! Please subscribe, because I make a lot of content JUST LIKE THIS! Enjoy!:D:fish: Click the link bellow: raising platy fry youtube video
  11. V


    Just a 5 gallon they share with some a feeder shrimp
  12. lazarusthefishboy10

    HELP! Why are my guppy fry dying?

    I have 6 baby guppies, and I have them in a large breeder box. I have a sponge filter running outside of the breeder box. But I have found a few dead ones on the bottom of the breeder box recently. Hopefully in a week I'll be able to move them into the 20 litre (five gallon tank that they're...
  13. 7

    Guppies not looking too good.

    I've had these guppies for about 5 months from a friend. When he gave them to me, he notified me that these fish were already pretty old, around 1 1/2 years, and they were looking fine until this month, which is around the 2 year mark. One male has a clamped tail, my three others are looking...
  14. 7

    Guppies not getting pregnant!!

    I've had these guppies for about 2 months now and nothing is happening. I monitor my 2 females and they both look like they've been getting bigger but there is absolutely no visible gravid spot. I'm not overfeeding as my males look perfectly healthy. It's a tad bit orange/red on the backside but...
  15. C


    I have a female swordtail who developed a gravid spot a while back however she has had this for far longer than a normal gestation period. I am assuming she has had the gravid spot for more than a month and a half now. She was once more or less roundish and is now seeming to get slimmer. Does...
  16. M

    General Questions

    I have had fish for about 2 years and they usually all died after 6 months. I always got 5 livebearers at a time for a 20 gal tank. Whenever I clean it out, there is a bunch of poop and particles that rise from within the rocks, however my ammonia levels have remained at 0, as well as basically...
  17. M

    Fish keep dying

    I have had a tank for about a year now and I can't get my livebearers to stay alive. They keep getting sick even though ammonia, nitriate, and nitrite levels are 0. Temperature is 81 F and ph is 7.7, right where the mollies need it. The tank is 20 gal, I usually buy 4 or 5 fish at first. I have...
  18. M

    I need help with a fish that isn't eating

    I just got 5 new livebearers 8 days ago, and they have all been doing fine except for one of them. He doesn't have any illness at all (he's as active as the other fish, just slower because he hasn't eaten) but he won't eat anything I give him. He's a balloon molly, if that means anything. I've...
  19. fishoholic

    Black Bar Endlers. Fry. Pure bred x20

    Livestock: Black Bar Endlers. Fry. Pure bred Quantity for sale: Many Reason for Sale: Spread the genes Delivery or Collection: Collection Sales price: £20 for 20 (unsexed) Fry Postage & Packaging: N/A, Collection only Location: St Albans, Hertfordshire Black Bar Endlers. Pure bred, never mixed...
  20. R

    Belonesox Feeding

    Hi, have anyone tried the hikari food sticks with belonesox?
  21. T

    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    I have a new tank and I cycled it and did everything that was necessary. I got the fish yesterday and I now have four guppies and a dwarf gourami swimming in there. My tank is 10 gallons. I put the fish in and acclimated them by floating and adding a little bit of my water into their bags every...
  22. I

    Raven's Guppies

    Current Project   Two Yellow tailed Dragon Head male guppies. Two Medium fancy female guppies.   Two Yellow tailed king cobra male guppies One large blue tailed female One stain glass female.   All of these are inside of a divided 20 gallon tank.   Fry Tank   Another 20 gallonish fish tank with...
  23. P

    Identifying Types Of Guppies?

    It wasn't hard to tell their gender when I first got them, but I want to know: are they feeder or Fancy guppies? I got them for free because they were older fry.   They are rather plain looking, save for the male (and he sometimes has a black oval on each of his sides), and one female has only...
  24. M

    Pregnant Swordtail

    Okay so here's the deal, my swordtail gave birth to like 10 fry yesterday morning, I had put her in the breeder box around 4am and I had taken the top off of the box and she jumped out around 6am and was swimming around normally and didn't seem like she was gonna drop the fry anytime soon, but...
  25. nofishinginmytank

    White Mountain Minnows With Livebearers?

    I currently have 5 male guppies and two platies in a 40 litre tank. It is well planted and has lot's of hiding places. My cory catfish has been moved into a 80 litre tank with 4 others so he is alot happier. I was just wondering has anyone kept or can anyone give me any advice maybe adding 2 or...
  26. GriffinC18

    Endler's And Guppies

    Hey guys, i recently have gotten Endler's livebearers. I already had guppies and was thinking about breeding them. I know the debate about how this is horrible and about keeping the strain of Endler's alive......i should tell you that i found these "Endler's" at a LFS and the two black bar are...
  27. J

    New Guppies And Platys

    I've just restocked my tank with new male and female guppies and platys, and so far they seem happy with the lone guppy male and the four Creamsicle mollies I had from my original setup. I want them to breed and be happy, so how do I make this happen?   Tank size is 55 gallons. Current water...
  28. Ginty

    Found A Baby Platty

    how do i care for this little fella. i brought two female plattys last wednesday. none of them look pregnant. but i found this baby today. ive noticed that of of my females is slightly red on her belly. how do i feed the baby?
  29. K

    Platy Staying At Top Of Tank

    I have a 5.5 gallon cycled tank with three platy sisters. For the past few weeks I've noticed that one will go into these bouts where she just stay at the top in the tank in the corner with her gills rapidly flaring. I know there's enough oxygen intake and the others act totally fine so I don't...
  30. P

    First Time Molly Owner

    I've recently gotten a male and female Dalmatian mollies (about a month ago) and I'm certain she is now pregnant! :D I've successfully bred platys before and I was just wondering if there was anything I needed to know that pertains specifically to mollies. Thanks a billion!
  31. F

    When Will My Guppy Have Fry?

    Pictures aren't great, sorry no idea how long she's been pregnant
  32. G

    Why Are My Female And Male Black Mollies Staying At The Top Of The Tan

    i have 2 black mollies (male and female) and all they do is stay at the top of the tank right behind the output of the filter. they only come out when i feed the fish. in my tank i also have 2 columbian sharks but they stay at the bottom and have not made any attempt at attacking the mollies so...
  33. F

    When Will My Platy Give Birth?

    Ok, I can't give a picture so I will explain best I can. She's big and box like and her gravid spot is really dark and big, and there also this white dot at her behind, I know all these things means she's close to birth but I have no idea how close.  
  34. F

    Breeding Nets For Guppies

    I need some advice, my tank is a community tank with different kinds of tetra a few black and white widows and a molly, none are bigger than 3cm and there are 25 in total (I think, it's hard to count) in a 165 litre tank I don't have another tank to put the pregnant guppy in and I really want to...
  35. ranish

    Confused With New Balloon Mollies

    Got a couple of mollies but have no idea if they are going to drop fry. They are very confusing because they look big in the first place. Previous owner said that some may be pregnant. Please help. Any help welcome. I have attached some pics as well. Thanks
  36. ranish

    Is My Balloon Molly Pregnant? If Do When Will She Drop Her Fry?

    Got a balloon Molly yesterday with a tank that I brought and previous owner told me that she is pregnant. I am confused as it is so hard to tell with balloon mollies. Please have a look and tell me what you think. If she is pregnant how soon do you think she will drop? Thanks in advance below...
  37. M

    Sunset Fire Platy Pregnant?

    Hello everyone, I currently have a tank with two sunset fire platy's and two angelfish. One of the platy's seems to have a big bulge in its stomach compared to the other one. They are both females but had been in a tank with other males before being moved into this one. I am begining to think...
  38. T

    2 Swordtails Dead In A Week

    I've got a 70L tank with (or rather had!) 4 Swordtails, 1 Male + 3 Females and a small Pleco. The tank has only been running for 3 weeks but I didn't do a cycle. I added API Stress Coat & Stress Zyme then left the filter running for 3 days. Went to Pets at Home (Sadly the only place stocking...
  39. Jessman

    How Is She Heavily Pregnant Again!? Photo

    Hi, my female yellow tailed guppy dropped some fry last tuesday, she dropped around 7-8 healthy live fry, around 3 deformed, and a LOAD of normal eggs. anyway, she hasnt dropped any fry since (not that i know of) and she is still huge and has a big gravid spot, she never slimmed down after...
  40. Jessman

    Which Fish Can Be Kept With Guppies And Platys?

    Hi, I'm getting a bigger tank this week and was thinking of adding more fish to my 4 guppies and 4 platys. Any suggestions on what fish would go well with these? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!