Recomend Me A Wrasse For A 180L

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stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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Im thinking about what else to add next to my little 180 litre reef

So far it has two clowns, lawnmower blenny, flame angel and fire fish and dwarf lionfish ( allowed to stay as long as hes good )

Im not sure which ones are aggressive or get too big so what wrasses have worked for you guys?

Simon :good:
Can't beat a six line for beauty, grace and interest. Lovely colours on them, very very hardy fish and they swim through every single nook and cranny, popping out here and there. Very interesting to watch! (plus they eat little bristle wormies).

I have a green wrasse atm in my reef tank. Fairly tempermental. Not the prettiest of fish (she's just plain green) and in true wrasse form, loves to bury herself in the sand when she gets disturbed or chased by the bigger fish. She's getting pretty big herself.

I'd recommend the six line though! Love those wrasses!
There is a wrasse in the same family as the six line that is lovely two, either the four line or the 8 line. Not sure. I'll look it up. It gets bigger than a 6 line though, so maybe not. I like the flasher and the 6 line suggestions.

Don't get a Tanaka, they are, IMO too small & secretive for a tank like yours, but a standard possum wrasse may be a neat option and unusual.

And I must put in a word for the solar fairy wrasse, so pretty! pics do not do it justice! though not as active as the 6-line, still a beautiful swimmer and lovely colours!
Oh my, dont get me started! Recomend me a Wrasse ooooooooooooooooooooooo

Any of the Paracheilinus will be fine, as will Cirrhilabrus and Macropharyngodon. The smaller members of the Halichoeres family also.
Scotts fairy wrasse or usually a bit cheaper option a exquistite wrasse are two of my favourates,any of the Cirrhilabrus family will be great!
From what I've seen online I really like the Scott's Fairy. But correct me of I'm wrong, but does it not need a lot larger swimming space? If that's the case I agree with the Possum suggestion, very cool markings.

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