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If a Stradivarius is so good....how come it still sounds like a strangled cat when being played on its own just like any old violin?

If a Stradivarius is so good....how come it still sounds like a strangled cat when being played on its own just like any old violin?
An instrument is only as good as its player...and a player is only as good as their instrument. :)
Well, if you camp a lot, bugs and other debris in your food kind of quit registering after a while...
As a kid, some decades ago, it was common to play around in mud, dirty streams and swamps and everywhere you'd expect germs and bugs to inhabit. I never got any infection. It was simply down to the body's ability to ward off infections due to constant exposure. We didn't wash our hands more than a couple of times a day and never with the sort of antibacterical handwash commonly used at present. Kids nowadays live in houses (if they are lucky anyway) where regular disinfection is taking place, surfaces cleaned and dusted, carpets vacuumed etc.
It's hard to build up resistence to infection when you are constanly killing all the things that can assist your immune system.
The new bow is coming along! It's a western-plains style, rocky mountain juniper recurve, backed with bison sinew. Got the sinew on last weekend. It was my first experience sinewing a bow, and it looks like it--not nearly as smooth and pretty as I would like. But I'm pretty sure it worked.

Now I have to wait several weeks to it to dry, shrink, pull the whole thing into a bit of reflex (backward bend--a very good thing for this type of bow), and otherwise work its sinewy magic. In the mean time, I plan to put on some bison hoof tip overlays, try to find a nice bull snake skin (or a couple rattlesnake skins) to cover and waterproof it, and think happy thoughts.



The tape you can see poking out from the belly is to keep it from drying out too fast and cracking.
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