Possible Bite On Big Male Opaline?

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Mostly New Member
Mar 19, 2014
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Not sure if this is a bite or not; I've never seen any of the other fish nip at him and he's by far the biggest thing in there.
It just appeared either last night while I was sleeping or today sometime while I was at work.
Micro bubbles from my filter keep sticking to "it" but he's eating and swimming around normally. No flashing or rubbing; he's as mellow as ever.
It's raised slightly, almost like a scab. It's not fuzzy at all. When I get a really strong flashlight and inspect it, it looks almost exactly like a scab; I can't think of anything else it resembles. You can even see the scales; they're just thicker and brown and kinda rough-looking. It's not recessed into the flesh. It's more brownish in real life; the picture makes it seem red or pink.
do you have a cover on your heater? could it be a heater burn?
No cover on the heater, but he doesn't usually hang out there... because my male blue ram is always "fighting" with the indicator light.

I'll google some images and see if it matches what I'm seeing, though.
It looks very much like this:
Will the micro bubbles cause problems if they keep sticking to the wound? 
Probably not. The bubbles will get dislodged when the gourami comes up for air (or if he's a jumper). Mine sometimes has bubbles around his fins but they dont last too long. He sounds fine, just watch out for any infection/fungus. 

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