Fish Addict
i have recently made a plan for new scape of my interpet 64L tank, kind of a jungle scape, well in the sense that im going to plant it out and just let everything grow and grow and grow. i had been watching a lot of videos on planted tanks and aquascaping recently and realised the importance of planning it out.
my birthdays coming up in just under a couple of months, so when i get my birthday moneys i will be re doing my tank the plan was replace my internal interpet pf2 with either an Aqua Vital 400 or aquaclear 20, i was going to replace my sand aswell as its going brown and filthy and i think the layer above the dirt is too thick so i was going to replace it with a small fine gravel
and for planting i came up with... from back left corner an amazon sword or 2, then next to that a bunch of myriophyllum and then there will be a small bunch of cryptocoryne balansae winding round infront of that and then to fill the right corner hygrophila polysperma
midground plants from left to right will be java fern, crypt wendtii/pondederifolia and bolbitis heudalotii
foreground: anubias(undecided) crypt nevelli/dwarf hair grass and lobelia cardinalis
this tank is under 1.8 wpg for 6-8 hours a day, dirt substrate and will be dosing regular ferts too. would these plants be okay ?
ps i was planning to have 2 or 3 oto's in there as i've really grown to like them and probably a shoal of some kind of tetra or rasbora
my birthdays coming up in just under a couple of months, so when i get my birthday moneys i will be re doing my tank the plan was replace my internal interpet pf2 with either an Aqua Vital 400 or aquaclear 20, i was going to replace my sand aswell as its going brown and filthy and i think the layer above the dirt is too thick so i was going to replace it with a small fine gravel
and for planting i came up with... from back left corner an amazon sword or 2, then next to that a bunch of myriophyllum and then there will be a small bunch of cryptocoryne balansae winding round infront of that and then to fill the right corner hygrophila polysperma
midground plants from left to right will be java fern, crypt wendtii/pondederifolia and bolbitis heudalotii
foreground: anubias(undecided) crypt nevelli/dwarf hair grass and lobelia cardinalis
this tank is under 1.8 wpg for 6-8 hours a day, dirt substrate and will be dosing regular ferts too. would these plants be okay ?
ps i was planning to have 2 or 3 oto's in there as i've really grown to like them and probably a shoal of some kind of tetra or rasbora