New Member
Plants from Aquarium Plants Factory and Petco. Fast growing large plants in the back-left and right (Hygrophylla, Anacharis, Eleocharis and Guppy Grass). Slow growing large plants in back-center (Amazon Sword). Mid ground is crypts, penny wart, and limnofila. Rock face is super glued Anubias and Bolbitis. Susswassertang and Java Moss floating about. I plan on letting the tank cycle for 2 more weeks until nitrites go to 0. Supplementing with flourish and excel twice a week. First inhabitants will be Neocaridina.
Sponge filter and temperature at 78F with inkbird regulator. Nitrate at 15ppm and nitrite at .5ppm (midst of cycling). 7.6pH. 4-5 GH and KH
Sponge filter and temperature at 78F with inkbird regulator. Nitrate at 15ppm and nitrite at .5ppm (midst of cycling). 7.6pH. 4-5 GH and KH