Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

I have managed to sell most of the guppies, I have kept a select few fry from the black male who died. These have stunning markings appearing electric blue and yellow tails and orange appearing on the bodies. I don't know where they came from the dad was black lol. I just can't keep them all and it's a hard decision to make, I have the white mum and 2 baby platies too, they are in the 64L now.
I will need to charge my camera battery and take pics of the fry. The ones from my all black male are turning out really nice. Hints of electric blue and yellow. The twin bar I kept, will love to see what he turns out like. They seem to be getting orange spots on their bodies, I don't know where that's come from! I kept about 4 males. Gave all the females away too. I have had enough now.
Awww, sad to see its ended!
They sound really cool colours though! I can't wait for pics! :snap:
Thanks I will try and get some decent pics. I am sad it's ended too but I have wanted rams for a while. I won't be getting the duplicareus after all, my friends not selling them anymore! I am gutted they are lovely but she picked up my 4 elegans so they are in quarantine and I will get them tomorrow, I also won an auction for 6 schultzei they are to be picked up next week. As for floor space, I will be at max! Nothing around the top though :(
So as promised here are pics of the fry!
I don't know where they got this colouring from! Mum was half black dad was all black!



That's my corydoras elegans in the bag behind them!
I saw some newly free swimming egg layers frys in the photo.  Or maybe my eyes playing some tricks, he he.

Ny82 said:
So as promised here are pics of the fry!
I don't know where they got this colouring from! Mum was half black dad was all black!

Your female guppies have given birth before from other unknown male strains.  That why you get other colouring from the frys.
Ny82 said:


Oh Nylah don't get Convicts. They will breed In a bucket! and I know you will want to keep them all.
No I wont, I don't think my tank is big enough. I am really fussy at the moment, really want a pair of kribs or rams. Something different. I do love the powder blue dwarf gourami but the disease puts me off them. I also love the tiny ones too-ember, platinum and neon tetras-again disease is a big factor. Then there's galaxy rasboras but cost is an issue-aarrgghh! HELP ME CHOOSE!
 Kribensis are the easier of choice....Rams, they are pretty little things and you have the knowledge to keep them.
I never got into Gouramis.

Opaline gourami is my favourite, but my tank is too small

Yes I read that rams are quite sensitive to water chemistry and require special care-with the price of electric blues as well, it's maybe a risk not worth taking. 
I love kribs but will they not get territorial with the cories since they are on the bottom too or do the kribs swim higher?

How about sparkling Gouramis ?
All cichlids are territorial Ny, even more so when breeding. Kribs are lower swimmers and will keep the corries in one corner and stress them.
Gouramis would a better choice.
Noor, it's your eyes playing tricks on you! I have no egglayers until now! My cory fry are in the other tank!
Pete, here is my new guy. 

I have admired them for so long, I finally took the plunge. 
I calculated that my 95L tank is actually 25 US gallons. He should be fine in there. 
Ny82 said:
Noor, it's your eyes playing tricks on you! I have no egglayers until now! My cory fry are in the other tank!
Pete, here is my new guy. 

I have admired them for so long, I finally took the plunge. 
I calculated that my 95L tank is actually 25 US gallons. He should be fine in there. 
Very nice...Warning... Cichlids can be highly addictive!!!
Oh, now you tell me. It says they only grow to 3 inches, and that they like to be in pairs. That's a decent size plus that means that since I have nothing else I can add a female to keep him company and I will put some coconut caves in. 
Thanks blondie, as noor said it will have been from the previos mating of the female. I was sure it was my black male but forgot she would still have been birthing from her last mating. Nevermind they are still very pretty!
Ny82 said:
Oh, now you tell me. It says they only grow to 3 inches, and that they like to be in pairs. That's a decent size plus that means that since I have nothing else I can add a female to keep him company and I will put some coconut caves in. 
Some 'dither' fish are a good idea, Rams are quite shy and nervy on their own. A shoal of small top/middle swimmers would do so you have quite a choice.
Cichlids are fascinating fish to keep and I kept them for many years in the past.
Looks like we will be losing you to the cichlid sub forum. :(
Don't be silly, I still have my 64L tank with the 3 platies! Plus I am not going there for some high and mighty to tell me I can't keep rams with cories or that my tank is waaaaaay too small because it's not 4 feet long. 
I will stay here with you guys  ;)
Ny82 said:
Thanks blondie, as noor said it will have been from the previos mating of the female. I was sure it was my black male but forgot she would still have been birthing from her last mating. Nevermind they are still very pretty!
If your female gives birth today and on the same day the present male mate her, there is a likely hood that the frys that come out 28 days after it, was fathered by the present male.  But the thing is, females that give birth will also be giving birth to frys that was fathered by the same previous male even though no mating takes place.  She can have frys from the same male for at least 4 deliveries without future matings.

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