Picture Of The Month?

Sounds to me like people may be voting on the quality of the  photographs as the number one criteria, regardless.  Therefore they would be photo contests and not actual fish or tank contests. 
I admit there is a degree of photography involved for sure. If there are two shots of awesome fish I'm going to pick the one that stuns me photographically. Macro shots especially get high marks. Partly this is because the fish shows up better and I'm better able to judge the details of the fish but also partly because they make stunning photos.
Honestly, if there are two entries in either FOTM or TOTM, I'll vote for the one that is the better quality photo. I guess that's my curse for being a photo editor and married to a photographer. 

Also, I'd trade POTM for IOTM (invert of the month) any old day. There are many members who have striking specimens and I think it would be a hoot to get a contest going for that. This is a fish forum, yes?
Then what about frogs, newts, crabs, corals?

I mean crabs are inverts, okay, but do corals count and would frogs count as fish? :p
I was thinking about that all last night daize. What would it include. As a coral man I count my corals under my inverts, crabs, shrimp, snails, sea stars, sea cucumbers, and even my marine worms all count. I would love to see photos of people's Neocaridina.
But...what about African Dwarf Frogs? Not inverts, but they are part of the hobby. I started the hobby with tadpoles when I was 5 years old so I'd hate to leave out frogs.
Perhaps Tank of the Month and Livestock of the Month?
What about having an Invert of the Month and a instead of Pet of the Month make Wet Pet of the Month. That way you can have Fish, Inverts, and things like frogs and turtles in their own separate comps. Just a thought.
stanleo said:
What about having an Invert of the Month and a instead of Pet of the Month make Wet Pet of the Month. That way you can have Fish, Inverts, and things like frogs and turtles in their own separate comps. Just a thought.
I like this one. But with all 3 different comps I'm sure it would take a while for the 3 comps to get back up to the standard they're at now.


I am literally sitting on a fence... Lolz a brick one and it's pitch black at 5 in the morning.... Sometimes in life you have to ask yourself ' why the hell are you sitting on a brick wall in the freezing cold at 5 am? '. I say, cos I felt like it at the time but now it seems like a really stupid idea.
No, the idea is not to increase the number.
I like tank and livestock as the only two.
Not sure about Livestock as a title.  I would somehow expect to see pictures of cattle included :p
Tank and Fish sound best to me but simply make it clear in the Fish rules that corals, inverts and amphibious creatures are also allowed.
I realize it's not a common usage of the term but I've used it for a long time when talking about what's in my tank. I'm not sure of a word that fits better. To call it fish of the month and then say it also includes other things than fish bugs me. :)
Ok what about just Wet Pet of the Month? That way no cows
Aquarium livestock...that covers it well...

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