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Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Hi guys, I used to stalk these boards about a year ago however with Uni, work and life commitments I ran out of time. I'm a female who lives in Australia, Queensland. In RL I own an a little female kelpie, a horse, three cats and of course fish!
I have a 4ft, 200L in my lounge room along with a 30L betta tank which I'm currently in the process of shifting from the kitchen to the bedroom. I have many years experiance of keeping tropical fish but am always eager to learn new things. I'd love to have a reef tank some day but alas, finances and space don't allow for it. A girl can dream :lol:
Welcome back to the forum ,I had been away from the hobby untill about 18 months ago,when I was younger I kept marines quite successfully,probably 25 years ago back in the mists of time,now I have a 200ltr fluval roma,and I toyed with the idea of going marine again ,but in the end I went down the tanganyikan route havnt regretted it ,what are you keeping in your 200 ltr?
you might go missing for a little while, but you can NEVER leave! :lol:

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