After battling hideous attack spider, now having to battle fleas... 
Poor Pix has picked up fleas (which have bitten the heck out of me as well) - I got behind with her appointments to get the vet prescribed flea and tick treatment. Don't want to get the cheap over the counter stuff you can buy since so many are useless... unless anyone in the UK has any recommendations for inexpensive flea treatments that they use and worked?
Used to always use Frontline spot on for years, but it became ineffective and vet confirmed it that fleas had become resistant to it, so switched to Bravecto tablets - one tablet each and sorted for three months, and it's worked well for years, but it's also expensive.
Called the vet practice today to check prices - money is extremely tight right now - probate still tied up and only on disability benefits right now, so a vet bill is going to be a big hit and tricky, and I can't do it until next week. Also need to get her assessed and decide what/whether to move onto medication for her arthritis meds now, and not just the suppliments I add. I think it's time. But that's going to be pricy too.
Just the consultation is now £48
Advocate spot on pack of three for three months is another £49
Bravecto is even more expensive, can't remember the number she said.
Can't get a price for arthritis meds until after a vet consult, naturally, but I remember from when Jack was on them that it wasn't cheap for a bottle of rheumacam.
Can get a prescription from the vet for the arthritis meds at least, so you can buy them cheaper online, which we did with Jack, and the prescription is £20.70, then whatever the medication from the online pharmacy costs.
I should qualify for reduced cost vet care through the PDSA, and I am looking into it, I promise, but there are complications I won't go into. But while I work on it with them/the DWP, I don't want Pixie being flea bitten - and don't enjoy it myself either...
I hate that I couldn't just take her up to the vets, which is only up the road, today. I've always been on top of pet health care and vet care, especially when Pixie was insured (never had to make a claim, but paid them a lot over a decade! Wish I'd stuck the money in an ISA account instead now). I had to let her Perplan insurance lapse when she got over the age of eight and they climbed up and up... by the time she was 10, they wanted £90 odd per month, and just couldn't afford it anymore.
Wasn't a problem for any of the animals while mum and dad were here. Once I couldn't work anymore and was only on benefits, Mum or dad would happily often split vet bills with me, and then I'd repay them in instalments, if they'd let me- but obviously that's not an option now. Animal care always came first.
But right now my financial situation is still a mess.
Please, don't be mad at me for having pets I'm now struggling to afford to care for. We got them when in better circumstances and vet bills/food etc weren't a problem, have had the parrots for over two decades and my dog for 11 years. Losing them would kill me.
But I'll find a way to make sure they all have everything they need.
I'll be taking her next week no matter what, I'm figuring out solutions so they're not biting my baby girl (she's been obviously annoyed and trying to gnaw at them today, and I saw one run over her tummy...
But in the meantime, I've been googling home remedies, for both the dog herself, and the bed/carpet/sofa etc, and raided the kitchen cupboards.
I have a lot of salt (had cheap bags stocked up from the last snowy/icy weather)
Some biocarb of soda
White vinegar
Lemon juice
Have seen all of those recommended to treat the environment, and the latter two included in a bath, because fleas hate the scent, apparently. Going to try it, but hope the scent doesn't bother the dog too much. That's my concern.
Also doesn't help that she's double coated, so even a normal bath takes a lot of work to massage the soap deep into her coat and rinse it all out, and baths aren't her favourite thing... She also has a thick ruff of fur around her neck and chest, like a collie (her coat is a mix of Springer Spaniel and Border Collie, so a bit of both types)
though she's good about tolerating being bathed, bless her. I'm considering working some salt into her coat, since it dries out eggs and the exoskeleton of the fleas, then using white vinegar and/or lemon juice and working that in, before a good rinse and a thorough shampoo with her usual (pretty expensive) dog and horse brilliant whitening shampoo. A normal bath would drown a lot of them, so maybe I should run a full bath to put her in first, then drain the water and do the salt/lemon/white vinegar thing before a normal shampoo and shower?
Fabrics from the bed and dog beds have gone through hot washes, I've sprinkled a LOT of salt into the sofa and carpeting in the living room and around my bed, where she sleeps and spends the most time with me and will have the most fleas. I used a stiff brush to really work and massage the salt into the fabric stuff, and will thoroughly hoover that up tonight/tomorrow.
Bed has been stripped, salt worked into the base, and mattress has been massaged with a lot of biocarb and salt, then lightly sprayed with white vinegar and worked into the mattress again, and left to do its work until I just hoovered it. Luckily the weather was good and I could get it and a lot of the fabrics washed and dried.
Any other suggestions? One place suggested lemon juice or white vinegar on the back of the neck to repel fleas, but I doubt Pix would be happy about that, although I do use white vinegar and citrus stuff often for cleaning, so she's also quite used to those scents. I just know how good dog's noses, especially Spaniels and Collies are.
Also concerned about the cat. It's not our cat, I'm sure she has owners, but has hung around in out garden for years, but the dogs were encouraged to chase other cats away because of the aviary birds dad had, and she was one that was way too interested in the birds and would sit on top of the aviaries, until the dogs ran down the garden, barking furiously, and cats would run off. Plus had my own cat here until 2021. So have seen her hanging in the garden for years.
When dad passed there were only 5 aviary birds left as he'd wound it down over the years, and I rehomed them to someone who had flocks of the same species. So lost my cat and one dog in 2021, and Pixie is cat friendly, has always lived with cats and is respectful unless they're in the garden and we'd wind them up to go do the barking and chasing, but the dogs didn't mean it - would never actually try and catch a cat or hurt them, they're spaniels, so it was more a game to them, and kept the many neighbourhood cats away from the aviary birds.
Since the aviary birds were rehomed, haven't been prompting Pix to chase, and called her away when she did, so cat kept coming closer and hanging in the garden more and more. We didn't deliberately feed her, but dad and bro were feeding a semi-feral cat along with another neighbour that had been left when his owners moved and left him behind, so several cats come and nick that food, including this one.
We've always had both dogs and cats, and I didn't worry when this cat was hanging around more, and eventually approaching and meowing for a fuss once she realised Pixie wasn't really the ferocious monster and didn't chase her anymore, and they both began to greet each other and Pixie accepted this cat was not one to chase, and she's respectful, so this cat over time would come running when I'd let Pixie out to toilet and want to greet us both, and she's very sweet and affectionate, so hard to resist fussing her. Wasn't a problem. Until she began running into the house, and making herself at home. We didn't feed her inside, and would turf her out at night or when we wouldn't be around since she can't be trusted around the parrots, and we weren't looking to steal someone else's cat!!
It used to annoy me in fact. My bro isn't animal mad, but he does have a soft spot for cats, so he would play with her and spend a lot of time fussing her, and I'd often snap at him since we were already busy and struggling to care for mum as she declined and to give our own animals all the care they need, without him encouraging this neighbours cat to move in by making herself so comfortable and exploring everywhere. Got to the point when I'd let Pixie out in the am before her breakfast, cat would be waiting on the doorstep and shoot inside and yowl for food and attention while I was trying to sort the dog. I would fuss her, but would put her back outside once Pixie was fed and I needed to get myself ready. Would make bro deal with her when she'd found a way in and hidden away or climbed somewhere hard to reach since I'm blaming him for making her too comfortable here! She finds a way in though... not long ago she discovered she could climb the plant pots and squeeze through my open bedroom window, then meow happily and demand fuss/food/for me to open doors for her - so she's been pretty insistent about wanting to move in, despite all the discouragement.
The last 2-3 nights cat has changed her behaviour. She spends most time outside, but not far away, and comes in when the weather is bad or she wants to curl up and sleep. Usually when she comes in through my window, she makes a loud thump as she jumps to the floor and yowls loudly to be let out of my door. Then she'd go sleep in by brother's room or the master bedroom (where bro added a scratching post and toys, grr) But the last two nights she's made herself comfy on the bed with me and Pixie. I woke up with her sleeping on me this morning. So it's likely the cat is the one that bought the fleas in, just from the timing of her sleeping on my bed for the first time, and my now discovering fleas.
I don't know who her owners are, or why she seems to have chosen to leave them and basically live here. I do know cats do that sometimes if they're unhappy about something in their current home, like a new baby, other dogs or cats or something, and will just work their way in somewhere else. My aunt got a cat that way, but I don't like the thought of basically stealing a cat. Whether they treat her for fleas and we do as well, then she'd have a double dose. But no point battling fleas, and ignoring that the cat can bring them back.
I'm thinking we'll have to take her to the vet and have her scanned for a microchip, and if she has one, ask the vet to give them my phone number to talk about what's going on with her. Whether they want us to put her out every time, and that she needs treating for fleas, and that she moved herself in basically against our will, we're not trying to steal here, but are prepared to give her a home if needed, but I'd be devastated if I lost a cat that way, and don't want to put someone else through that. If we can talk we can at least try to work something out, like them fixing whatever is bothering her there, us putting her out and discouraging her, and them keeping her inside for a few weeks.
We are quite attached to her, no matter how much I tried, and how annoyed I got when she was taking bro's attention and time away from our own pets when we were so short of time. Bro is very attached to her, and I'm sure that fussing and playing with her has been good for him while we were caring for mum, then handling the grieving.
But she is a sweetie, very vocal and knows her own mind. Likes to stretch out fully, roll around, and even likes belly rubs, hasn't bitten or scratched even when unhappy about being picked up and placed outside. She's a tuxedo, like the Felix cat, and we nicknamed her Boudicca, or Boo for short, since she needed something regal after the entitled way she'd stroll in and make herself comfy, and Boo because she'd surprise is by sneaking into the house without us knowing. But it definitely is a problem we need to solve if she's bringing fleas in.
Poor Pix has picked up fleas (which have bitten the heck out of me as well) - I got behind with her appointments to get the vet prescribed flea and tick treatment. Don't want to get the cheap over the counter stuff you can buy since so many are useless... unless anyone in the UK has any recommendations for inexpensive flea treatments that they use and worked?
Used to always use Frontline spot on for years, but it became ineffective and vet confirmed it that fleas had become resistant to it, so switched to Bravecto tablets - one tablet each and sorted for three months, and it's worked well for years, but it's also expensive.
Called the vet practice today to check prices - money is extremely tight right now - probate still tied up and only on disability benefits right now, so a vet bill is going to be a big hit and tricky, and I can't do it until next week. Also need to get her assessed and decide what/whether to move onto medication for her arthritis meds now, and not just the suppliments I add. I think it's time. But that's going to be pricy too.
Just the consultation is now £48
Advocate spot on pack of three for three months is another £49
Bravecto is even more expensive, can't remember the number she said.
Can't get a price for arthritis meds until after a vet consult, naturally, but I remember from when Jack was on them that it wasn't cheap for a bottle of rheumacam.
Can get a prescription from the vet for the arthritis meds at least, so you can buy them cheaper online, which we did with Jack, and the prescription is £20.70, then whatever the medication from the online pharmacy costs.
I should qualify for reduced cost vet care through the PDSA, and I am looking into it, I promise, but there are complications I won't go into. But while I work on it with them/the DWP, I don't want Pixie being flea bitten - and don't enjoy it myself either...
I hate that I couldn't just take her up to the vets, which is only up the road, today. I've always been on top of pet health care and vet care, especially when Pixie was insured (never had to make a claim, but paid them a lot over a decade! Wish I'd stuck the money in an ISA account instead now). I had to let her Perplan insurance lapse when she got over the age of eight and they climbed up and up... by the time she was 10, they wanted £90 odd per month, and just couldn't afford it anymore.
Wasn't a problem for any of the animals while mum and dad were here. Once I couldn't work anymore and was only on benefits, Mum or dad would happily often split vet bills with me, and then I'd repay them in instalments, if they'd let me- but obviously that's not an option now. Animal care always came first.
But right now my financial situation is still a mess.
Please, don't be mad at me for having pets I'm now struggling to afford to care for. We got them when in better circumstances and vet bills/food etc weren't a problem, have had the parrots for over two decades and my dog for 11 years. Losing them would kill me.
But I'll find a way to make sure they all have everything they need.
I'll be taking her next week no matter what, I'm figuring out solutions so they're not biting my baby girl (she's been obviously annoyed and trying to gnaw at them today, and I saw one run over her tummy...
I have a lot of salt (had cheap bags stocked up from the last snowy/icy weather)
Some biocarb of soda
White vinegar
Lemon juice
Have seen all of those recommended to treat the environment, and the latter two included in a bath, because fleas hate the scent, apparently. Going to try it, but hope the scent doesn't bother the dog too much. That's my concern.
Also doesn't help that she's double coated, so even a normal bath takes a lot of work to massage the soap deep into her coat and rinse it all out, and baths aren't her favourite thing... She also has a thick ruff of fur around her neck and chest, like a collie (her coat is a mix of Springer Spaniel and Border Collie, so a bit of both types)
though she's good about tolerating being bathed, bless her. I'm considering working some salt into her coat, since it dries out eggs and the exoskeleton of the fleas, then using white vinegar and/or lemon juice and working that in, before a good rinse and a thorough shampoo with her usual (pretty expensive) dog and horse brilliant whitening shampoo. A normal bath would drown a lot of them, so maybe I should run a full bath to put her in first, then drain the water and do the salt/lemon/white vinegar thing before a normal shampoo and shower?
Fabrics from the bed and dog beds have gone through hot washes, I've sprinkled a LOT of salt into the sofa and carpeting in the living room and around my bed, where she sleeps and spends the most time with me and will have the most fleas. I used a stiff brush to really work and massage the salt into the fabric stuff, and will thoroughly hoover that up tonight/tomorrow.
Bed has been stripped, salt worked into the base, and mattress has been massaged with a lot of biocarb and salt, then lightly sprayed with white vinegar and worked into the mattress again, and left to do its work until I just hoovered it. Luckily the weather was good and I could get it and a lot of the fabrics washed and dried.
Any other suggestions? One place suggested lemon juice or white vinegar on the back of the neck to repel fleas, but I doubt Pix would be happy about that, although I do use white vinegar and citrus stuff often for cleaning, so she's also quite used to those scents. I just know how good dog's noses, especially Spaniels and Collies are.
Also concerned about the cat. It's not our cat, I'm sure she has owners, but has hung around in out garden for years, but the dogs were encouraged to chase other cats away because of the aviary birds dad had, and she was one that was way too interested in the birds and would sit on top of the aviaries, until the dogs ran down the garden, barking furiously, and cats would run off. Plus had my own cat here until 2021. So have seen her hanging in the garden for years.
When dad passed there were only 5 aviary birds left as he'd wound it down over the years, and I rehomed them to someone who had flocks of the same species. So lost my cat and one dog in 2021, and Pixie is cat friendly, has always lived with cats and is respectful unless they're in the garden and we'd wind them up to go do the barking and chasing, but the dogs didn't mean it - would never actually try and catch a cat or hurt them, they're spaniels, so it was more a game to them, and kept the many neighbourhood cats away from the aviary birds.
Since the aviary birds were rehomed, haven't been prompting Pix to chase, and called her away when she did, so cat kept coming closer and hanging in the garden more and more. We didn't deliberately feed her, but dad and bro were feeding a semi-feral cat along with another neighbour that had been left when his owners moved and left him behind, so several cats come and nick that food, including this one.
We've always had both dogs and cats, and I didn't worry when this cat was hanging around more, and eventually approaching and meowing for a fuss once she realised Pixie wasn't really the ferocious monster and didn't chase her anymore, and they both began to greet each other and Pixie accepted this cat was not one to chase, and she's respectful, so this cat over time would come running when I'd let Pixie out to toilet and want to greet us both, and she's very sweet and affectionate, so hard to resist fussing her. Wasn't a problem. Until she began running into the house, and making herself at home. We didn't feed her inside, and would turf her out at night or when we wouldn't be around since she can't be trusted around the parrots, and we weren't looking to steal someone else's cat!!
It used to annoy me in fact. My bro isn't animal mad, but he does have a soft spot for cats, so he would play with her and spend a lot of time fussing her, and I'd often snap at him since we were already busy and struggling to care for mum as she declined and to give our own animals all the care they need, without him encouraging this neighbours cat to move in by making herself so comfortable and exploring everywhere. Got to the point when I'd let Pixie out in the am before her breakfast, cat would be waiting on the doorstep and shoot inside and yowl for food and attention while I was trying to sort the dog. I would fuss her, but would put her back outside once Pixie was fed and I needed to get myself ready. Would make bro deal with her when she'd found a way in and hidden away or climbed somewhere hard to reach since I'm blaming him for making her too comfortable here! She finds a way in though... not long ago she discovered she could climb the plant pots and squeeze through my open bedroom window, then meow happily and demand fuss/food/for me to open doors for her - so she's been pretty insistent about wanting to move in, despite all the discouragement.
The last 2-3 nights cat has changed her behaviour. She spends most time outside, but not far away, and comes in when the weather is bad or she wants to curl up and sleep. Usually when she comes in through my window, she makes a loud thump as she jumps to the floor and yowls loudly to be let out of my door. Then she'd go sleep in by brother's room or the master bedroom (where bro added a scratching post and toys, grr) But the last two nights she's made herself comfy on the bed with me and Pixie. I woke up with her sleeping on me this morning. So it's likely the cat is the one that bought the fleas in, just from the timing of her sleeping on my bed for the first time, and my now discovering fleas.
I don't know who her owners are, or why she seems to have chosen to leave them and basically live here. I do know cats do that sometimes if they're unhappy about something in their current home, like a new baby, other dogs or cats or something, and will just work their way in somewhere else. My aunt got a cat that way, but I don't like the thought of basically stealing a cat. Whether they treat her for fleas and we do as well, then she'd have a double dose. But no point battling fleas, and ignoring that the cat can bring them back.
I'm thinking we'll have to take her to the vet and have her scanned for a microchip, and if she has one, ask the vet to give them my phone number to talk about what's going on with her. Whether they want us to put her out every time, and that she needs treating for fleas, and that she moved herself in basically against our will, we're not trying to steal here, but are prepared to give her a home if needed, but I'd be devastated if I lost a cat that way, and don't want to put someone else through that. If we can talk we can at least try to work something out, like them fixing whatever is bothering her there, us putting her out and discouraging her, and them keeping her inside for a few weeks.
We are quite attached to her, no matter how much I tried, and how annoyed I got when she was taking bro's attention and time away from our own pets when we were so short of time. Bro is very attached to her, and I'm sure that fussing and playing with her has been good for him while we were caring for mum, then handling the grieving.
But she is a sweetie, very vocal and knows her own mind. Likes to stretch out fully, roll around, and even likes belly rubs, hasn't bitten or scratched even when unhappy about being picked up and placed outside. She's a tuxedo, like the Felix cat, and we nicknamed her Boudicca, or Boo for short, since she needed something regal after the entitled way she'd stroll in and make herself comfy, and Boo because she'd surprise is by sneaking into the house without us knowing. But it definitely is a problem we need to solve if she's bringing fleas in.