Buster at the pond protecting the fish from predator frogs, snakes and lizards. He is a Boston / Pug and 8 years old in the photo. View attachment 340495
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Aaaww, he's beautiful! And I remember your pond!! Because I loved it so much! But I'd forgotten it was yours, hadn't remembered your username linked to this wonderful pond that makes me smile every time I see it! The alligator is still my current favourite decoration
Precious who does not like her picture taken and hides when she sees the camera. She is an unknown mix the vet refers to as a cattle dog. Her age is estimated at between 8 and 10 years. She was found running alone in the woods skin and bone with most of her hair missing from chewing and scratching at fleas and ticks. She is currently on gabapentin to relieve some of the effects of Lyme that she contacted after being deserted in the woods.
Oh, that poor girl!! What a horrible experience for her, breaks my heart thinking about it! Unless she escaped and got lost or something unusual like that (which would still be the owners fault for not having her well secured/trained/microchipped etc), then she was likely dumped and abandoned there, right? I know it happens a lot, but I still can't wrap my brain around anyone doing that. How they can do it and live with themselves, it's so cruel. So many other options that don't mean abandoning a dog to die terrified and alone in the wilderness!!
Getting angry now, so going to focus on the happier ending she found...!
Linda introduced her to Buster at the local SPCA where she volunteers.

They hit it off so well that we decided to let Buster adopt her. Precious is bonded to me. Buster to Linda.

I feel deceived though! Your name is Oldspartan, but you're not old! I'm not fooled by that fake beard disguise!!
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To be fair .. This is Patches the cat. Just turned three but is about 1 1/2 in this photo. She is another one that flees when she sees the camera. She is not as grouchy as she looks in the photo. Patches is bonded to herself although she will lay on my lap nightly at about 7PM for a belly rub.View attachment 340498
It definitely wouldn't be fair to leave out Patches! What a sweet evening routine, where she knows you'll be sitting down for a while and she can get her fuss. I remember one of our cats always doing that with my dad when he finally sat down of an evening. He was a man who was always doing something and didn't sit down to relax for long, and also claimed not to like cats much since he's a bird and dog person (and he did genuinely hate when they hunted, especially if they killed a bird), but he was just as soft with the cats and they/we always had them, so he protested too much, me thinks. Would often catch him fussing and talking to one of the cats in a really sweet way when he didn't realise anyone was around, and he'd be embarrassed when I'd tease him about how I thought he didn't like cats?
Just a running joke in the family I guess. So when he'd finally sit on the sofa at around 9pm, Cinders would immediately jump onto his lap and sweetly ask for pets, and he'd protest "Hey! What's this! I've only just sat down!" or pretend grumble about not liking cats, while she stretched out on his chest and had plenty of fuss, and they'd both fall asleep there. I have photos of them like that to prove it too! Not on here, but it was lovely.
Patches also looks so much like one of my auntie's cats, Smudge, right down to the facial markings, which is why she named him Smudge. She's a pretty girl! Doesn't look grumpy to me either, just has the same sort of expression I pull when anyone points a camera at me! I feel your camera phobia, Patches, I understand!