Newly Designed Tank


Oct 16, 2013
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Can I ask your guys opinion on my newly designed fish tank it's 70 litres, well planted and currently has 10 red cherry shrimp in the tank. Any other suggestions of good tank mates for them. Can you also tell me why the red cherry shrimo are sat in the top corner of my tank. Thanks from tom


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Here is a picture of the shirmp in the corner hope it can help you tell me why they are doing it


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I could be wrong here, BUT are you aerating the water?
Any other suggestions of good tank mates for them
What's you water params? Ph Gh KH that sort of thing.
Yeah the filter has a spray bar that's is aimed at the surfaces water to aerate the water.

Nitrite and ammonia 0.
Nitarate 10ppm
Ph 7.6
Gh 12
And can't remember kh off the top of my head
How long has the tank been set up?
I do not know the answer to your question, What I am doing is getting some information so that the next member who reads wont have to ask and wait for a reply.
The tank has been setup for 3 years with no deaths for at least 7 months
My shrimp often sit at the top edges. I suspect it's got a lot to do with algae growth, particularly where the water level drops with evaporation, they love to get up to the edges after refilling the tank, as I suspect there's food there that they can't access at other times.

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