Opinions on Sushi’s tank?


New Member
Sep 2, 2023
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Hello everyone,

I had changed sushi (roll)’s tank a while back, I previously had sand and tons of natural plants but sadly they died. I got black substrate and new plants for him and also a new piece of wood. I will show a image below of his newly made tank. I also want to ask you guys if you think if maybe it is too crowded.. I could make changes but I honestly love the new wood piece I got for sushi. He enjoys his tank and in the future I do plan on upgrading to a 10 gal
Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 12.09.15 PM.jpeg
What sort of fish is in there?
There's not a lot of space for the fish to swim due to the driftwood.
If you keep gouramis or Bettas in that tank, you want some floating plants like Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) for them to hide under.

The plant (Java fern) should be attached to rocks or wood so its rhizome isn't buried under gravel. It's fine for the roots to be in the gravel but the rhizome should be above the gravel.

The aquarium needs a picture on the back and looks like it could be filled up with a bit more water so the filter has less issues sucking the water in.

If you don't have a coverglass on the tank, that might help to stop the fish jumping out and also to help trap heat so the heater doesn't work as much. Coverglass also reduce evaporation from the aquarium and reduces the humidity in the room.
What sort of fish is in there?
There's not a lot of space for the fish to swim due to the driftwood.
If you keep gouramis or Bettas in that tank, you want some floating plants like Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) for them to hide under.

The plant (Java fern) should be attached to rocks or wood so its rhizome isn't buried under gravel. It's fine for the roots to be in the gravel but the rhizome should be above the gravel.

The aquarium needs a picture on the back and looks like it could be filled up with a bit more water so the filter has less issues sucking the water in.

If you don't have a coverglass on the tank, that might help to stop the fish jumping out and also to help trap heat so the heater doesn't work as much. Coverglass also reduce evaporation from the aquarium and reduces the humidity in the room.
Hi only my betta fish is in the tank. do you know how any ways on how to attach plants onto the wood? I have been interested in doing this but I really don’t know how.
I also want to know how I can put a “backdrop” and what things I could use for a backdrop. Paper?

Thanks for you advice I actually have been asking myself these questions for the last month, could use a bit of help though thanks!
I used cotton string (cotton sewing thread), fishing line, rubber bands and even acrylic wool to tie plants onto rocks and wood. Cotton breaks down quicker and the plants are usually attached to the rock or wood before that happens.

Aquarium backings can be bought from pet shops or online. You can also make them out of material, paper, cardboard or plastic (like a bin liner). Paper and cardboard tend to change shape and sometimes rot due to the moisture/ humidity in the room. The backing gets taped onto the outside of the tank.

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