New Member
See my previous post below. My oldest loach (17 years) died last week, and I'm super worried about the guy that's left. He is about 16 years old, and the bigger and healthier of the two, but now he is not active, lays on the bottom much more than before, and kind of seems sad and lonely. I'm nervous to add new fish, but think he needs at least one new loach friend. Yes or no? More than one? He was still very active, and protective of his friend before he died. I do have a quarantine tank I would use before introducing new fish. Please help. He is still in a 30 gal tank due to room size constraints. TIA!
My previous post from 2021:
Hello! I have had a tropical, freshwater tanks for about 25 years. Mostly community tanks and cichlids. For the last several years I have just one tank with 2 freshwater clown loaches (tiger botia) that are the last two fish from a community tank. They are about 14 -15 years old, 6 - 7 inches long, in a 30 gallon tank. I am here to learn more, and ask questions about these guys, and the possibility of adding new fish. I'm pretty attached so I want to do right by them Happy to be here! Thank you!
My previous post from 2021:
Hello! I have had a tropical, freshwater tanks for about 25 years. Mostly community tanks and cichlids. For the last several years I have just one tank with 2 freshwater clown loaches (tiger botia) that are the last two fish from a community tank. They are about 14 -15 years old, 6 - 7 inches long, in a 30 gallon tank. I am here to learn more, and ask questions about these guys, and the possibility of adding new fish. I'm pretty attached so I want to do right by them Happy to be here! Thank you!