New To Keeping Fish In Cold Country 2 And Photos.


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May 2, 2013
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I need to check out with few stuffs..

First it's 2x 300w good enugh to keep 26/27?
2nd, sharp sand.. Anyone use it?

I have done the stand and the tank arrived. Funny thing is ND aquatics is the only one who do next day delivery and the cheapest in the country with 3 years warranty. Anyone got one? Rewiews? I thing is good but not very clean silicon work on the top bits..

Tank with 3d background. I used exo terra backgrounds with thinned silicone coating. Full cost £32

Top and trims done aswell. Just wood and paint

Cosmetics done


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Nice catfish :) (sorry I couldnt resist)
ND aquatics are a great tank manufacturer :) I have one and cant fault it all so well made!!
Sharp sand isn't any good if you want bottom dwellers (loaches, corydoras) or anything that might sift through the sand (cichlids) as it is sharp, microscopically.
Hi thanks, I need brown sand with black bits.. Also need to be gritty enough to keep plants. ike senagal sand.
Any ideas?
I love that photo of the cat in tank! If you stick around here long enough to enter the competitions (at least 60 days and at least 60 posts) please enter that into Pet of the Month!
I use Unipac silica sand in both of my tanks - larger slightly grittier grains than fine sand, brown with some black bits in it, but gentle enough for cories.
 to the TFF
In reference to 
exo terra backgrounds
that you have used in your tank, these seem to be for Terrarium's, have you confirmed they will be OK over time in water?  Info., I found said "...The background works equally well in a humid or dry environment..." [Source].  It looks very nice but I would hate you to find it was either toxic or no good in water once you have the fish in there and I know some items made for Terrarium's go soft in water over time.
MaHaRaJa said:
Hi thanks, I need brown sand with black bits.. Also need to be gritty enough to keep plants. ike senagal sand.
Any ideas?
Unipac Senegal Sand is the only one I can think of and is very good, or if you want it finer maybe consider buying their regular sand plus a bag of their black sand and mix it yourself :)  There is a discussion on the Unipac substrates here.
Lots of people have used the Exo Terra backgrounds, RCA; they are safe :)
Yep exo terra is a tried and tested stuff. Only con is, it's UN cleanable plus algae grow on the paint and peels off..

Now... Hardware. Got my self some good stuff from eBay over last few weeks. Now all hooked up.
Lighting. Ill b using 4x14k t5.
Filters. Eheim 2260, FX5, 2x APS2000
Heaters, 2x 300w hydor externals.




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Used brown sand from garden centre.. Seems good. Almost close to senagal sand.
Fish in as well.
Got my self 2 red spotted severums. 10 red back manakapuru angels (f1). 3 large FF Syno and a 8" RTBS (rescued) 3 high quality blue discus.

Ordered 20 denisons barbs.. After all it's from my home town. And looking for 2 pairs of large discus.. Any ideas?

Ohh.. I got 20k of used media from local petshop.. So I can load fish straight away.. Soon as I sort the stock out, ill be nuking them with medications.
MaHaRaJa said:
Used brown sand from garden centre.. Seems good. Almost close to senagal sand.
Fish in as well.
Got my self 2 red spotted severums. 10 red back manakapuru angels (f1). 3 large FF Syno and a 8" RTBS (rescued) 3 high quality blue discus.

Ordered 20 denisons barbs.. After all it's from my home town. And looking for 2 pairs of large discus.. Any ideas?

Ohh.. I got 20k of used media from local petshop.. So I can load fish straight away.. Soon as I sort the stock out, ill be nuking them with medications.
Please cancel that order of Redline Torpedo Barbs, or sort out a different tank for them, they have no place in a tank that sits at tropical temps all year round. These fish should be in a heaterless tank in most homes, providing the temp drops to 15-20C during the winter months and upto 25C during the summer months only, they are "temperate" fish and keeping them at permanent tropical temps will knock chunks off their 8 year lifespan... They will do extremely well to reach 5 years old.
In addition, Puntius denisonii needs a tank with excellent oxygen levels, provided by a riverine setup with at least 8x real water turnover and lots of surface rippling. This is not the sort of setup that your Sevs and Angelfish will appreciate.
Your current stock demands a tropical temp, so if you want a barb, look at the tropical species including Filament Barbs and their associated complex.
Hi, nobody of the goat, thanks for the input. Much appreciated.

I don't know where you get those info, as it very incorrect. Please keep in mind these studies done 19th century in taxpayers money are done in tourist resorts and beaches. Dont even start about Wikipedia.

Denisons barb or miss Kerala fish is native Deep South India and Sri Lanka. Where no such a thing as winter or summer. We get heat wave and heat wave with rain. Water temp is around 30c all year.

I am personaly know this fish well as in the 90s there was lots of school project of breeding and releasing of this fish. They were threatened due to mass fish export to oriental Asia.
Redline Torpedo Barbs are not tropical fish and they do not live in water that sits at 30C all year round, you are horribly mistaken and your fish will suffer for your ignorance. Their water goes through a vast seasonal variation.
Who mentioned Wikipedia? I certainly did not.
Try a highly rated fishkeeping site, such as SeriouslyFish,
I have kept these fish in the past in my 5x2x2 at 22C with ~8000lph, I rehomed them via a shop to someone with 30+ in a 6-foot heaterless tank in "tropical" Wiltshire. I kept them with similar needs fish including Barilius; Opsarius; Congo River catfish.
Ok. Thanks for the info. Ill keep it in mind. Don't we all learn everyday.

Another funny thing I would like you to reserch if you interested.
wild Endlers guppys, they are native to south India and Sri Lanka aswell.
It's so confusing as its native to South America as well. I always wonders how on earth it's possible unless there is some sort of ancient ailen theory.
The Endlers and guppies that live in the wild in Asia have been introduced; either accidentally by hobbyists releasing them, or on purpose as mosquito control.
They're naturalised, rather than truly native.
I don't think its right. Existence of guppys recorded in books well over 1000 years ago.

May be its other way around.. Lol ( ok kidding. Guppy s are truly native to both America and Asia. )

Anyho, my tank is done... Photo time

No I got the look I want.. The sushi bar.


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