Nellys Got Some New Stuff

Most likely it is not the tortoiseshell (who are also known to have funny meows!) but the other that has siamese as it has the colour points, much closer genetically.

BTW what does your missus think/has she met them yet? Im waiting to hear if you have been praised to high heavens or completely told off LOL

cats can mate with more than one male and become pregnant with each mating yet only give birth as one litter, (mum was more than likely a bit of a tart) paisleys dad was probably a pedigree of some kind but chicas wasnt

and yes please tell us what your partner thought of her present, how could she resist those cute faces :wub:
cats can have multiple males fertilising eggs and producing kittens but it doesnt change the genetics...

Those two arent siblings anyway, or at least i hope not with one at 5 months and the other at 9 months!

My friends cat was really young when she escaped the house, she was a week too young to be neutered and she was booked in as my friends mum works at the vets.

But the cat got knocked up by several males lol, my friend has two of the kittens now called Cheesecake and Skeletor LOL. One is a huge short haired tabby male (skelly) and the other (cheese) is a longhaired grey tabby (she is a bit of an odd colour).

Mum was a medium length coat tabby and white LOL
U BIG PUSSY!!! oh neil youre so gonna getta dig...* wish mags was ere*

i keep guppies and im proud!!!! hAHAHAH
there lush!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

im gonna sort my profile issues
They are beautiful :wub: I am sure she will love them without a doubt!

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