Need Help With Setting Up 15Gal Tank With Liveplants


New Member
Jun 14, 2013
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Hi friends, 
First of all, I am new to the fish world. 
I have read about the nitrogen cycle. I need help with setting up an aquarium with live plants.

I currently have a 15gal tank (2ft-1ft-1ft) with an Internal filter with 140G/h filter capacity. 

I need help with the kind of substrate to put in the tank. more specifically, is the fine 1-2mm dark sand gravel enough to start with growing plants? or do i need to have multiple layers of substrates(as i ve seen in many articles)? 
I want to start with plants such as JavaMoss, Anubias, Wisteria, Anacharis, Corkscrew Vallisneria.

Also i m worried about my filter after i plant these plants. My filter throws a horizontal stream of bubbles nd water across the length of my tank. My current water stream seems more strong than it should be. Should i switch onto a HOB filter? 
Which filter is best recommended for an aquarium of my size (15g) for live plants? 

Will the Cycling process be easier with the plants in it or should i cycle the tank with substrate first and then add the plants?

A little too many questions but I M SO Sorry :(. I need help :(


Hi, I used to have a tank setup like this, see my journal. I found that tetra complete substrate worked great! however, after a few months, you could definitely tell where i had uprooted the plants as it stuck out from the black gravel. 
Internal filters should be ok, make sure your exit valve is close to the surface of the water. but with hob's im not too sure if there is enough surface agitation as its all happening in 1 corner of the tank. Maybe someone else can advise here. I used an external with a DIY spraybar.
I would put substrate in first, then black sand, then put in the biggest plate that will fit. Then fill the water into the plate so the sand doesnt move so much. Once its filled, you will want to add aqua safe then chuck the heater and filter in. Now add the plants. 
Remember, plants need food and light. Depending if you want to go high or low tech will depend on whether you want to have lots of light, co2 and nutrients or very little. 
If you do want CO2, I would stick to DIY CO2 for the moment. If you dont have a diffuser yet, then just put th air line into the filter. It works better with externals, but its better than nothing. Or better still, wait till you have a diffuser. You should really read the planted tank section. It is REALLY good and I used (and still do) estimative index and DIY CO2 for years.  
The "cycling" process is really just the ammonia cycle building up your biofilter (google it). Ultimately, some leaves of the plants will die off, which cause ammonia. Unlike fish, plants quite like ammonia, infact, if there isnt any easier nutrients to take in, they will resort to this. I would get your plants established before adding any fish. Also add fish SLOWLY!, If your bioload cant take the excess waste, your plants will be a little more forgiving.
Not all of your questions answered, but i hope it helps. 

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