
  1. Nells250

    Is this filter's intake too large for a shrimp tank?

    My 4 little tanks all have various sponge/foam filters in them. I recently picked up the Aqueon X-Small QuietFlow E Internal Power Filter, since it was small and didn't cost too much. Of course, now I see product reviews are mixed... People on small budgets should NOT have so many hobbies...
  2. MaloK

    Tetra NitrateMinus.

    I didn't find any place where I would logically could think a review for an additive be posted. Long story short... My shrimp tank got smashed and I was forced to crash setup another tank and plop everything I could save in a new one... This tank was running for months without any sign of...
  3. metropolis93fan

    HOB smell

    Both of my HOBs... identical... one in a 10 gallon tank with a betta and two nerite snails and one in a 5.5 with only neo shrimp (I Know this is a betta site but it involves the betta tank) smell. For sure the biomedia (the stones in the bag on top) smell. Pretty sure the rest of the media...
  4. A

    New canister filter buzzing noise

    (I also posted this same text on Reddit) Hello, I bought my first canister filter because I was tired of cleaning my small internal filters every week and people said they were really quiet. I got a Tetra EX 1000 filter from my local fish store. However, I was a bit disappointed with the sound...
  5. Nells250

    Can an old air pump make water DIRTIER?

    HI folks, first post! I am new at fish-keeping (unless you count the goldfish we had when I was in elementary school). I have two betta fish, an adult female and a juvenile that is SUPPOSED to be a male but we now think is female. Both are in their own smallish unfiltered tanks, due to a lack...
  6. V

    Fishkeeping mistakes I made

    Lack of water changes. As a kid my parents did tell me to do water changes on my tank, but I never kept up with them. Even though I didn't test the water, I'm assuming my early fish deaths were from bad water quality, because when the weak fish were moved to new water to monitor them in, they...
  7. PygmyMitch

    Custom Filter!

    So since my last post about the problems I had with my internal filter. I was undecided on what filter to go for next. I really liked the idea of how the Fluval flex tanks had the filter built into the back of the tank. Its discrete, allows you to hide the heater and has plenty of space for...
  8. PygmyMitch

    Filter Suggestions

    I’m considering changing my internal filter. I’ve tried the Interpret CF filter. I really liked this filter as the filter can be easily lifted out if needed and the sponges can easily be removed without removing the filter. Only problem I had was that the bracket for the filter kept falling off...
  9. ella777

    How/when should I clean my filter?

    How should I clean my filter and when? I used to have a 70l uk filter and I cleaned it fully with tap water. Apparently that's really bad? I now have a 200l uk tank with a powerful filter for 500l - 800l. I've only had the tank running for about 2 weeks. I decided to do a fish in cycle, all of...
  10. G

    Canister Skill Issue? Or Marineland Messup?

    I have a 30gal and switched from an HoB to a Marineland Magniflow 220 canister filter approximately 5 weeks ago (Im only using the provided media, no custom stuff). I left my HoB running for a week, just to help get the new filter up and running. For the first few weeks, it was working like a...
  11. V

    So, my filter completely broke

    I was trying to reattach the suction cups, it stayed for like a minute then fell back down. In that timespan, I plugged the filter back in. There's no reaction at all. No water movement, no noise, nothing. It's dead. I'm probably going to see why sponge filters are so highly talked about and get...
  12. F

    Filter for 36 gallon bowfront aquarium

    Hello, I just finished cycling my 36 gal bowfront tank that’s using a Fluval 70 filter. I chose this filter after seeing lots of people mention that the Fluval 50 wouldn’t be powerful enough for my tank size. Right now, I have a few Zebra Danios that I just moved into the new tank and within the...
  13. V

    Did I just harm my fish more by trying to help?

    I swear every time I try to help my fish, I end up hurting them. I just learned that you shouldn't change the water the same day you clean the filter. Because it's too much change for them to take. If this is true, I'm going to lose every fish in the tank. I learned that you're not supposed to...
  14. A

    help me.. please!

    Hi, I'm relatively new to keeping fish and although I haven't had any problems with establishing my tank (60L) - I've noticed that my filter (Superfish AquaFlow 200) is a bit too strong, and although it comes with a spray bar, it seems to be pushing air through creating lots of bubbles and my...
  15. SRbettas

    Setting up first dirted tank, so many questions

    Hi all it’s been a while but I’m glad to be back. Anyway as the title says I am setting up my first dirted tank and have a couple questions. Firstly, how do I know which soil is safe, I’ve heard organic topsoil is best but I’m scared I’m going to put something toxic in my tank? I’m also very...
  16. EmperorRain

    Is an FX6 enough?

    Hi all, I recently got an 180USG tank and wanted to know if an FX6 would be enough for it.
  17. Linkandnavi

    Fluval FX6 Whining and Output Hose Shuddering

    Afternoon everyone, I set up my FX6 on my new 193 gallon a couple of days ago. It's been running without issue since then, until the last hour when the filter itself is making a whining sound and the output hose is "shuddering" for want of a better word. It`s almost like it`s convulsing and...
  18. Circus

    Turn spare tank into sump/filter?

    So, I am getting to the point of switching most of my tanks from smaller to larger set ups. This is mostly so I can move around my apartment and not have to squeeze between tanks. I am loath to get rid of my double tank stands, but also do not want to keep up on maintenance on so many small...
  19. Meg0000

    Filter or not?

    Hi, I would like to know if It's better to remove my filter on my 10g at this point. It's an interal filter but I stopped it about a month ago because of the sound. I only have 8 ember tetras and 2 small shrimps with a bunch of plants. The thing is I don't know if the bacteria are still alive...
  20. Uberhoust

    Are Canister Filters Worth the Cost if Your Prime Goal is Quiet

    I have used HOB filters for almost every aquarium I have ever setup. I started with the Dynaflows then moved to the Aquaclears. Functionally I really like the Aquaclears because they are essentially a large box that I put whatever media I want in them. I am sure that other manufactures have...
  21. E

    Converting a Biorb Tank to a Different Filter/Substrate

    Hi, I have an 8 gallon Biorb Flow tank. I've had it for about a year and a half. I love the tank but I hate the filtration system, and the biorb ceramic substrate is tearing up my current Betta's fins (he likes to sleep on the bottom). So I'm wanting to change up the filtration system and...
  22. G

    Is My Filter Killing My Fish and Replacement Advice

    I have a 29g tank with cardinals, a honey gourami, dwarf corys, cherry shrimp and a clown pleco. I use an Aqueon QuietFlow10 filter, and put a cylindrical sponge over the intake so it doesn't suck up shrimp or snails. For a half a year, this hasn't been giving me any issues until recently...
  23. F

    Filter Intake Tube Level

    Hi!! Just wondering if anybody may be able to send over some advice regarding my new filter. The intake tube (the part inside the tank that sucks up the water) is not as far down as my old filter was. My tank is vertical, hexagon shape not square so it’s tall! It’s an aqua clear filter, I’m...
  24. M

    An idea for a divided betta tank

    Hey I was just thinking and learning more about the benefits and disadvantages of dividing a tank in 2 with a divider to house 2 bettas. I know there are issues with pheromones and etc but thats not why I am here now. I wanted to share my idea and see if it is plausible; So what if I divide a...
  25. Barry Tetra

    Filter media and Beneficial bacteria myth

    Hi everyone. I’ve watching lots of video on youtube (most of them were sponsored) And most people says that sponges does not contain any nitrifying bacteria and you should have biological media inside the filter instead, is this true? or was it just a gimmick that make you buy 1kg of pumice for...
  26. C

    Amount of water flow (GPH) for Danios?

    Hello all, I have a 10-gallon tank with danios and live plants (which only three one-inch bristlenose cories). What is the Maximum Recommended Minimum amount of water flow? I've looked the question up on the internet and most sites say that it depends on the fish species. I've also heard...
  27. crupp29

    Recommended Filtration Media

    I have a 10 gallon freshwater aquarium that I am plan on keeping a few guppies and a couple of plants in. The filter I have is the Tetra Whisper IQ. I was wondering what the best media for mechanical and biological filtration would be in my situation. Most of what I've read has said that...
  28. S

    Need Filtration and Substrate Advice 75 Gallon Planted Tank

    1- I am going back and forth between HOB, Submersed, or Cannister filter. Can somebody explain to me why whether it is worth it or not to invest in a canister filter over a Fluval C Power Series (HOB)? I understand that canister filters can be customizable but could they cause too much hassle...
  29. S

    Reducing Air Pump Power/Flow

    Hi There I have a 20 litre nano tank which came with an Aqua One Air Pump, as the tank has a built in filter compartment at the back. Now, previously I had a Betta fish in this tank and even though I had the pump on the lowest setting, it was truly blasting out. I DIY'ed a solution by...
  30. Linkandnavi

    Positioning an Internal Power Filter Horizontally

    Evening all, Does anyone know whether there would be any issue with positioning an internal power filter horizontally? I cannot in theory think of why it would be an issue. A filter such as the Aquael Mini Pat. A small pump pulls water through a sponge, which then passes through a small...
  31. ellamay

    Wood shrimp stuck in filter. Please help!

    My shrimp have moved into my filter. I thought they were hiding because they shed the day after I got them last week but I’ve just found them in here and I can’t get them out. What should I do?? I read online to leave them alone after they molt because they need to harden up but I’m worried...
  32. ellamay

    How often should I change my filter cartridge?

    I’ve had my tank up and running for about 6 weeks ish. Just put some fish and 2 shrimp in a couple of days ago. I was told on here not to change my filter cartridge yet but it’s looking very brown! I did try to clean it in the old tank water but it seems pretty hard to clean compared to other...
  33. Falconwithaboxon


    So I'm looking to put a new filter on my 45-gallon aquarium(currently has a Tetra Whisper 60iq) and I had a few questions. 1. What might be some good ones? This one is a bit loud, which is weird given its name lol 2. Could I put it on my 29-gallon tank? Or would it be too much? 3. How is your...
  34. Linkandnavi

    Reducing output hose size on external filter

    Morning, I'm currently in the process of setting up a new 450 litre tank. Having read very good things, I ordered an Aqual-el Ultramax 2000 external filter and also an Aqual-el flow inline heater. The heater only works on hose of a 16mm internal diameter. The website I bought the Ultramax 2000...
  35. Linkandnavi

    Moving plastic "media" from cycled internal filter to uncycled external filter

    Hi guys, Hopefully "Cycling" is the right forum as I'm hoping to prevent a new cycle. I have a fully cycled 20 gallon tank running at the moment and the first fish are in there. However, it's running an internal filter that came with the tank and I hate everything about it - it takes up a heap...
  36. V

    Changing betta filter

    Sorry i don't know if this is the right place for this but i want to change my bettas filter from one which hangs off the back to a sponge filter since i think my current one is too strong. I just want to know how i should go about this without shocking him too much ?
  37. GobyMaster11276

    Pond filter recommendations

    Hi all, The impeller of my (admittedly not amazing) pond filter went during routine maintenance yesterday and I am in need of a replacement. Since I cannot remember the model or brand of my current one (having bought it years ago secondhand), I am looking for something new to help keep the...
  38. Guyb93

    Filter has slowed down

    Seemingly over night my filter has slowed by around 50% which isn’t great and I rely on my filter for oxygen and have no air stone , my water disturbance now is bad about 3/4 of it being dead It’s an fx4 filter my tank is 500l so at half flow it’s turning my tank around 3x ph , I need full flow...
  39. Circus

    Old Filter

    I just traded one of 29 gallon set up (everything except fish and decorations) for a 55 gallon acrylic tank and a few boxes of "fish stuff". I am ecstatic just for the tank. I ordered a stand which will get here next week. In one of the boxes are three old filters, all hobs. The first was...
  40. G

    Introducing New African Dwarf Frogs?

    Hi, I'm looking for advice. For backstory, for 7 years now, I have had 2 ADF and a zebra nerite snail living in a 5 gallon tank with no filter. I realize that I definitely should have a filter, but I was very young when I first set up the tank, and by the time I learned enough to know that they...