This is no longer an emergency, but I don't know how to move this topic. I would like to get feedback on the new tank.
I wrote out a long post, but I managed to refresh the screen and lost everything. Here's a summary:
Tank: 20g Long
Filter: Aqueon 20 (has old tank's filter hanging on front just to help bacteria growing)
Heater: Marina 100W submersive
Light: Aqueon 17W T8 Full Spectrum fluorescent
3 live plants (2 ferns in rocks and 1 Egeria najas???)
Currently, 4 peppered corys. I can't tell the difference between them. 1 has darker spots on whiter background, and 3 are very light spots on an opal/peach background. The first picture is the darker cory with an opal one swimming through. The second picture is of 2 opal corys swimming)
Ultimately, in many many months, I'd like to have:
6 peppered corys
6 tetras (neon or cardinal or ???)
2 otos
1 nerite snail
Does that sound good? Will the filter be enough?
I wrote out a long post, but I managed to refresh the screen and lost everything. Here's a summary:
Tank: 20g Long
Filter: Aqueon 20 (has old tank's filter hanging on front just to help bacteria growing)
Heater: Marina 100W submersive
Light: Aqueon 17W T8 Full Spectrum fluorescent
3 live plants (2 ferns in rocks and 1 Egeria najas???)
Currently, 4 peppered corys. I can't tell the difference between them. 1 has darker spots on whiter background, and 3 are very light spots on an opal/peach background. The first picture is the darker cory with an opal one swimming through. The second picture is of 2 opal corys swimming)
Ultimately, in many many months, I'd like to have:
6 peppered corys
6 tetras (neon or cardinal or ???)
2 otos
1 nerite snail
Does that sound good? Will the filter be enough?