My aquariums


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 30, 2021
Reaction score
I currently have 14 aquariums - none of them are nice so there will only be a few pictures. They range from my favorite which is a 10 gallon:

To 570 gallon; where sometime my clown loaches say hi

and other times the festivium remind me it is time to eat.


Then i have a 455:

It looks empty but it really isn't - it has cat fishes like these:


And a bunch of geo that hate cameras.
I won't list all 14 but i do have this one which is 30x48x16 (who knows how many gallons that is)


I have a 180 with discus:

And a 20 long with a. lineta:

I have too many aquariums i admit; and i don't think i will set any more up. I only have two fishes on my wish list; one will eventually end up in the 570 (I call it a 600); but not till something ages out. The other will probably end up in the sister aquarium to the a. lineta which has green neon and c. hastatus. I will occasionally post pictures on this thread from one of the random 14 aquariums i have but who knows how often. I sometime grow aquatic plants emersed:

And sometime under-water:

Truth be told i never know for sure what i will do; until tomorrow and i've done it yesterday. I do have a few rules;
which include nitrate stays below 5 and some things i need to do like find a matte background for my discus aquarium.
I've also have done things i would change:
My b. cupido really would be better of with finer substrate (it is not coarse but could be finer);
My cockatoo are vicious monsters and really shouldn't be with the nannacara. The nannacara are very adaptable and seem to be doing ok but i would not put these cockatoo with another cichild in anything less than a 200 gallon aquarium; and even then think about it carefully. They really do claim a very large area for territory and have little tolerance.
The krobia have been amazing at not tearing up the angelfishes up. They are like pit bulls but are actually quite gentle as long as you don't fit in their mouth. They are extremely good parents. Not the prettiest fish and unfortunately very very large mouths which means they can't be kept with any small dither.
The a. winkelfleck are wonderful - oh yea i guess i should add a picture of one of them:

but they are not as chilled as the lineta.

I brief inventory:
600 - office - clown/festivum
450 - office - geo and wc blue rams
180 - bedroom - keyhole !!! (best ever fish)
180 - basement - discus
180 - (4x4) office - b. cupido
100? - office blackwater
20 long - basement - lineta
20 long green - basement neon/hastatus
40B - basement - wc cockatoo/nannacara amolae
120 - basement - random domestic angels and breeding krobia (they never stop breeding)
60 - basement - a. ortegai
60 - basement - (will have ivan bimaculata - the gentle version of adokea)
29 - basement - one of my very very old aquariums - has ember tetra and cory eques
10 - office bathroom - my a. pucallpaensis family
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I now have only a 75 and a 20 long. Would love to have a super large tank like your 400 plus tanks, but even a 180 would be nice. How much time due you spend a week maintaining. For me its about 45 minutes a week for the 75 and 1.5 hours for the 20 because I have to mix water with it and draining and filling it takes longer because I have to worry about sucking up the shrimp.
I now have only a 75 and a 20 long. Would love to have a super large tank like your 400 plus tanks, but even a 180 would be nice. How much time due you spend a week maintaining. For me its about 45 minutes a week for the 75 and 1.5 hours for the 20 because I have to mix water with it and draining and filling it takes longer because I have to worry about sucking up the shrimp.
I spend 3 to 5 hours on saturday for the ones in the office (~160,~180,450,575,29,10); 1 hour on sunday on the bedroom aquarium (most of the time is siphoning water out and pumping that water to the toilet; but during that period i do other stuff like clean the sock and spank the keyholes. 1 to 2 hours on tuesday for the basement aquariums (120,40b,20l,180,60,60,40,20). The office tanks are a bit on the dense stocking level; the basement tanks are all under-stocked 'cept maybe the discus tank. The 60 for example has 10 pencil fishes and a trio of a. ortega.
I really need a large (hose diameter) python so i can take the water out faster - that is the major bottleneck. i use a well pump on storage tank (ro water) for refilling and for those with tap water the pressure is pretty high (i run the tap water through char. canisters to remove chlorine so i don't have treat the water).
The one BIG negative of using charcoal to filter water is it also removes some minerals that plants like...
This is my latest and probably last aquarium. Setup last week to start the aging process. Most of the plants are still in emersed form:

It is 16 inches wide; 48 inches long and 18 inches high. It will be given 20 pencil fishes and 4 i. bimaculata. One thing i've learned over the years is that if you have the room bigger really is better. While the lineta are quite chill in a 20 long; and you could probably keep a pair of a. borelli in a 20 long; you really want at least a 40 for a. cockatoo and if i had the space i'd give my a. winkelfleck a larger aquarium (even though they are one of the more docile species). My a. ortega (which are a violent fish) will get the sister aquarium to this one. It is black as black can be black so no picture now but over time the tannis will thin out and then maybe a picture. I had considered 2 male a. ortega in that aquarium but was warned they are just too vicious.
Of course there are other fishes on my wish list like a. wolli or wc a. borelli but alas they will have to wait till i'm old and grey and have a place to put them. Unfortunately i worry that with climate change this might be the end of an era for some of these species. Borelli are certainly among the more adaptable species but most in their genus will not be able to cope.

23,040÷231= basically 100g

You sir have a lot going on! I love the 570, one day maybe. I'd probably try to recreate the Xingu river. What if any nitrates do you have straight from the tap? I wish I could keep my levels 5 or below. My tap is 20ppm...your tanks look amazing thanks for sharing
Wow love it! Such awesome tanks and healthy looking fish! I love the Festivums - I know you were having some 'issues' with them, have they calmed down now?
Fantastic tanks and from what you have shown they look amazing.

As a discus keeper I would love to see more of that set up

23,040÷231= basically 100g

You sir have a lot going on! I love the 570, one day maybe. I'd probably try to recreate the Xingu river. What if any nitrates do you have straight from the tap? I wish I could keep my levels 5 or below. My tap is 20ppm...your tanks look amazing thanks for sharing
Tap i believe is 0 nitrate but not sure i ever measured it. The aquarium with the most nitrate right now is the 600 gallon one which got up to around 7 for a little bit; i think it has dropped now below 5.
Wow love it! Such awesome tanks and healthy looking fish! I love the Festivums - I know you were having some 'issues' with them, have they calmed down now?
I had two issue; one was a bacteria issue (not sure i mentioned it here); but i was able to cure that without meds. I think that might have killed 4 or 5 of the hemiodus gracilis and the festy were just eating the corpses - i had blamed them for killing them. Basically the nitrate had elevated to around 7 and i *think* that might have caused stress and i turned on the uv and did a 200 gallon water change and upped the drip system and that seem to have solved the issue. None of the remaining hemiodus have died (I think i have 15 left) and the festivum have healed up - one has a pectroal fin that needs to regrow but other than that you would never know they had been ill.
One of the large one is very moody esp at feeding time he will turn very dark and raise his fins more or less telling everyone else to leave him alone. Hard to measure exact size since the glass seems to magnify them but i think he is around 7+ inches head to end of fin.

They spend a lot of time pointed up floating in the water - i presume this is to catch insects that land on the water - it is kind of neat to watch because sometime the current will turn them almost too far and when they begin to flip over they will then use their fins to re-orient themselves. It really confuses the angels who think they are in trouble and swim over to check them out which really annoy the festivum who are trying to be perfectly still to (i presume) not scare off insects.

One thing for sure the serpae tetra are scare of them and spend most of their time in the vals. I thought maybe i lost them all but then one day i counted 20+ and realize they were very good at hiding. I *think* i still have a cherry barb in there somewhere - like the serpae it hides all the time - it used to hide under the rocks with the clown loaches.

Hope that provided what you wanted.

I will say this much as wild caught fishes - or more important not domestic bred they do an excellent job of signalling when they are upset and folks should leave them alone and the other fishes respond appropriately. The l. thayeri I have with them are in many ways like mini festivums. They don't do the trick of staring at the surface but otherwise they have very similar behavior and frequently mingle with them.
I currently have 14 aquariums - none of them are nice so there will only be a few pictures. They range from my favorite which is a 10 gallon:
View attachment 338124

To 570 gallon; where sometime my clown loaches say hi
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and other times the festivium remind me it is time to eat.

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Then i have a 455:
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It looks empty but it really isn't - it has cat fishes like these:
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View attachment 338129
And a bunch of geo that hate cameras.
I won't list all 14 but i do have this one which is 30x48x16 (who knows how many gallons that is)
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View attachment 338134
I have a 180 with discus:
View attachment 338136
And a 20 long with a. lineta:
View attachment 338137

I have too many aquariums i admit; and i don't think i will set any more up. I only have two fishes on my wish list; one will eventually end up in the 570 (I call it a 600); but not till something ages out. The other will probably end up in the sister aquarium to the a. lineta which has green neon and c. hastatus. I will occasionally post pictures on this thread from one of the random 14 aquariums i have but who knows how often. I sometime grow aquatic plants emersed:
View attachment 338138

And sometime under-water:
View attachment 338139
Truth be told i never know for sure what i will do; until tomorrow and i've done it yesterday. I do have a few rules;
which include nitrate stays below 5 and some things i need to do like find a matte background for my discus aquarium.
I've also have done things i would change:
My b. cupido really would be better of with finer substrate (it is not coarse but could be finer);
My cockatoo are vicious monsters and really shouldn't be with the nannacara. The nannacara are very adaptable and seem to be doing ok but i would not put these cockatoo with another cichild in anything less than a 200 gallon aquarium; and even then think about it carefully. They really do claim a very large area for territory and have little tolerance.
The krobia have been amazing at not tearing up the angelfishes up. They are like pit bulls but are actually quite gentle as long as you don't fit in their mouth. They are extremely good parents. Not the prettiest fish and unfortunately very very large mouths which means they can't be kept with any small dither.
The a. winkelfleck are wonderful - oh yea i guess i should add a picture of one of them:
View attachment 338155
but they are not as chilled as the lineta.

I brief inventory:
600 - office - clown/festivum
450 - office - geo and wc blue rams
180 - bedroom - keyhole !!! (best ever fish)
180 - basement - discus
180 - (4x4) office - b. cupido
100? - office blackwater
20 long - basement - lineta
20 long green - basement neon/hastatus
40B - basement - wc cockatoo/nannacara amolae
120 - basement - random domestic angels and breeding krobia (they never stop breeding)
60 - basement - a. ortegai
60 - basement - (will have ivan bimaculata - the gentle version of adokea)
29 - basement - one of my very very old aquariums - has ember tetra and cory eques
10 - office bathroom - my a. pucallpaensis family
Not sure why you think none of your tanks are nice. I think your being a little hard on yourself.

I think youve got some lovely set ups. The clown tanks amazing and i love how peaceful and clean the 455g looks. Could watch them tanks for hours 😍

Thanks for sharing 🙂
I don't see anything that you should be ashamed of...
I like the looks of those tanks...
Wow, SO nice! I would love to have some larger tanks like that.

I think I would love to just hang out at your office. You might even get me to work just so I can stare at the fish- not sure how fast I'd get anything done, though ;)
I think I would love to just hang out at your office. You might even get me to work just so I can stare at the fish- not sure how fast I'd get anything done, though ;)
Er - that's my job....

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