Moderator Rogues Gallery

No, there have always been mods, the team just evolves and moves on as the forum does, sometimes quicker than others. It's moving quickly at the moment for the mod team but will, I suspect, slow down a lot after that.
Shelster said:
I reckon....

Lockman - a big cuddly teddy bear with tattoos
No tattoos *shudders*
Let's do this, Am looking for a rubber duck for my shoulder D:
Looks like he might be LJ, but I reckon he's waiting to see if he's the only one before jumping! lol
Got to try and find a flipping outfit now or you'll all thing I was lying :/
Shelster said:
I reckon Techen is sat at his computer monitoring the chat room with a kilt on!

MBOU has lots of study books open around her computer doing degree work and monitoring the forum at the same time.

Tcamos - sat outside on a patio with Bermudas on, shades, beagle devotedly sat by his flip flopped feet whilst he monitors the forum and drinks ice cold beers

Josh - well banana man!

Eagles - I picture as a well suited man (whether that's because I think you said you're a teacher?)

Lockman - a big cuddly teddy bear with tattoos

Fluttermoth - a very patient calm person, who loves to teach

Ha ha I've probably got all of my images wrong here, but you know how you build an image of a person when you know very little about them lol!

This wasnt meant to offend any of you btw xxx

Also the profile visits I find odd too, most of mine are when I've 'touched' on a topic to read -( darn iPad ) and it's put me visiting people's profiles lol.

Most of the time I just wanted to read the thread, not view the darn profile
Honestly, I think this is better than the actual bios might be!  lol
Close but now I have yorkies and I don't drink. ;)
*drinking a chilled beverage of some kind with a couple of little Yorkies complete with little bows on their heads scampering about joyfully?
NOW you've nailed it. My daughter is always putting bows on them which they hate and when so decked out they run right to  me because they know I will remove it and restore their dignity which I do. If I don't they pout like babies.
(a) you all forgot about me :'(
(b) Techen a Girl HAHAHA that made me laugh
(c) techen fit HAHAHAHAHAHA im on the floor now
(d) techen has an ego, now i am rolling in my piss HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA 

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