
New Member
Mar 4, 2013
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I was wondering the minimum tank size for a sorority and good tank mates? Thanks :)
10g and 5 girls are the minimum.
Good tank mates are usually bottom dwellers such as corydoras since they're peaceful and hang out in lower level of the tank.
Otos and plecs can be good too.
You want to be familiar with betta behavior and the tank should be very heavily planted, like a jungle.
Thank you so much! Would things like mystery snails or ghost shrimp be good tank mates?
A mystery snail would be a good tank mate. Some shrimps will become snacks, but time times they are okay. It just depends on the girls.
Certainly! Those some fish may nip at their antennae. I love my mystery snails, they have personality and come in a variety of colors :)
You could try shrimp but like said they can become snacks. Perhaps in a heavily planted tank like the way a sorority should be though they'd have enough hiding places?
Atti knows much more than me on them, have not had a sorority yet myself. His girls are beautiful :D
I have Amano Shrimp in with my Bettas and they are too quick for the Betta to have as a snack, but then you never know! Also, I have Rabbit Snails with one of my boys.
RCA said:
I have Amano Shrimp in with my Bettas and they are too quick for the Betta to have as a snack, but then you never know! Also, I have Rabbit Snails with one of my boys.
I just saw rabbit snails today for the first time at the fish store! They are so cute. I really want one for my tank haha :p

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