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Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
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East Yorks
Disappointment of disappointments, I treat myself to a new 60 litre tank for my office today - I knew the space would be tight because its in a loft space and the ceiling slopes so I measured up for a Scaper 60 from Maidenhead Aquatics which is 60x35x35 - 35cm tall. The cabinet for it to sit on is built in (like a kitchen unit) and if you measure straight back and up it would fit but because the building is old and nothing is straight the horizontal angle of the ceiling does not stay 35cm+ all along so the tank does not fit :(

Gutted... need to find something 30cm tall but that over all holds at least 60 litres and is a nice rimless tank with clear silicone to match the other two in the room. My choices seem to be an Aquael tank which is 60x30x30 which is only 54 litres (but not bad over all), the 45 version of this tank which is 45x30x30 and only 45 litres or I could go for a UNS shallow tank which they have 2 versions of a 90cm tank a 'B' and an 'L' which is either 45 or 81 litres. UNS is quite expensive though... so might rule them out and I worry the 81 litres might be a bit too much for the unit its going on - starting to get into the realms of specific aquarium stand there for me.

I think the tank is going to be for a group of dwarf puffers, but not ruling out some kind of Tanganyikan set up. Which would you go for?

I’ve had a dwarf puffer before, but he sadly died a couple months ago. They need very specific foods, and are sensitive to changes in their water. I think Tanganyikan Cichlids will be to big for even an 80 liter. You could try a larger school of neon tetras or X-ray tetras…?
I’ve had a dwarf puffer before, but he sadly died a couple months ago. They need very specific foods, and are sensitive to changes in their water. I think Tanganyikan Cichlids will be to big for even an 80 liter. You could try a larger school of neon tetras or X-ray tetras…?
I keep Red Eye Red Tail Puffers in a separate tank already so got a good idea of Puffer care :) If I did the Tanganyikan Cichlids it would be some of or one of the dwarf species like the shell dwellers or a Sumbu Shell - Tanganyika is a really diverse habitat with big beasties like Frontosas and Tropheus but also small beauties like Occelatus Gold and Multifaciatus.

I do like big schools of Tetras but in my hard water they wouldn't do well. Currently erring on the side of getting the smaller tank in the same range - in theory eventually I could put two of them side by side which could look cool - would probably make those tanks more about the plants and the scape than the fish, maybe even just do a shrimp only tank?

You could do some shell-dwellers. I’ve heard about them but never actually had them before. You might could keep a calm betta with shrimp in a different tank, or some livebearers like guppies or platies.
Or you could just do shrimp without a betta, but maybe go with the neocaridina shrimp that prefer harder water, unless you plan on lowering the ph with Indian almond leaves etc…
Interestingly in about 20 years of fish keeping I've never had a Betta... but I have been tempted by one or two males recently and it would be something different to my other tanks. I think if I did that I would go for the shell dwellers - quite a few I like but Altolamprologus sp. Sumbu Shell is really interesting to me because they are such a unique shape.

The tank I'm fairly certain will fit is a 45cm x 32cm x 32cm 10 gallon as I can fit 2 on here and they are only £88 each so (rounded down) about £160 for 2 and I cant get a similar sized rimless tank with the same amount of kit for much less than that.
Decided to go for a UNS 60S which is another shallow tank, I've gone for a Oase 75 HOB and a Chihiros A 601 to match my other shallow tank. The UNS tank is a little bigger than my ADA one that I have now (40 litres vs 30) and I love that tank so think this is a good choice. Fairly certain I'm going to go shell dwellers in here as I think the 60x36cm base is going to be a good foot print for them, I have a load of rocks around and sand so set up will be quite cheap and I'll add quite a bit of valis to the back of the tank, might do Valis Nana to keep it in proportion - there is someone on facebook that sells it in big clumps so will check that out.

Now I just need to decide on which species I want...

Ooh if you're doing shellies, I can't wait to see! Be sure to share your progress with lots a pictures. A shellie tank is definitely one of my dream tanks.
Ooh if you're doing shellies, I can't wait to see! Be sure to share your progress with lots a pictures. A shellie tank is definitely one of my dream tanks.
Been on my to do list for a while - not sure which species I want to go with yet. I'd have liked to do a 2 species tank but think its safer to do a single species.

Do you have any favourites?

If anyone’s interested here’s we’re I’m upto

Got a UNS 60S which is 40 litres really impressed with the litre Oase hob looks really smart and well made got a bit of diy to do with the intake as it’s too long but have a plan.

I also got a little 1.5g tank - not for fish but to replace one of my jars as they’ve not really worked but I do like the idea so want to get a tiny pump for water movement and maybe a small heater if I can find one. Should hopefully end up as a tiny planted box though.


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