If you want some plants that don't require any of the above (Special Substrate, Co2 system, or fertilizers) Many species of Amazon Swords work, Anubis Nana work well, and most fish don't like to eat them (Bonus) Wisteria work, Java Fern work, if you anchor them to something (A rock or driftwood) Vallisneria also work.
A plant I found (I bought without knowing what it was) ended up being a Indian Swamp Weed. With the 1 I got, I ended up with 13 plants in the next 2 weeks, which now cover the bottom on my tank, Oriental Swords are another very beautiful plant, with a nice purple tinge.
If you don't intend of using a Co@ system, don't try to use fertilizers, as they tend to end in string algea growing off your plants, also, don't worry about your plants if you add them to early, they will trhive in PH infested waters, but they will also slow your cycling process.
Most plants you will find at your LFS will most likely work.