Leicestershire Anyone?


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
I know there are a few people on here from Leicestershire so wa just hoping to get us all in 1 place so we make sure we are all aware of each other and who knows, maybe we could arrange some meets at the better fish shops around the area and beyond.

POst here or PM me for friend request additions.

Look forward to hearing from you all.

I know there are a few people on here from Leicestershire so wa just hoping to get us all in 1 place so we make sure we are all aware of each other and who knows, maybe we could arrange some meets at the better fish shops around the area and beyond.

POst here or PM me for friend request additions.

Look forward to hearing from you all.


I'm from Leicester LE3
I'm in South Leics, I think there's quite a few other members around here too, enough for a Leics aquatic society I reckon!
TWO!!! :angry: TWO!!! I know there are more than 2 people from Leicester on here, come on people. Be good to maybe get something set-up as a shop visit for a few of us??
:# :fun: :hyper:
Leicester LE18 here know of a few more near me

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