Jbl Taifun Co2 - Help !

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May 15, 2013
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Hi all,
I'm new to the whole Co2 thing, was talked into getting one at my LFS to help with my planted aquarium. So I went for the JBL Taifun S Reactor, TMC Solenoid CO2 kit, JBL Bubble Counter and CO2.
I have a 260 Litre tank and was setting CO2 to 30 bubbles per minute. I've been fertilising the plants with Seachem Flourish as well as Remove Algae to get green spot algae down. This has now been going on for almost a month.
The issues I have are - I was told the bubble spiralling up the Taifun S should be very fine when it reaches the top - this has not been the case, the bubble exits large from the outlet. Is CO2 actually diffusing in the tank ?
I installed a CO2 indicator about a week ago (Fluval CO2 indicator kit) - the liquid still shows as Blue (not enough CO2 in the tank) it should show Green for the right amount of CO2 or Yellow (if not enough).
I've increased the bubbles to 60 per minute now in an attempt to get the right amount of CO2 into the tank. I've also invested in the Taifun Extension set to double up the number of "spindles" to help with diffusion.
Could anyone please advise if this is the correct route to take ?
Many thanks

I can tell you that you need to be adding more ferts than Seachem Flourish if you are enriching with CO2.  Flourish only contains trace elements and a small amount of potassium but it does not contain vital macro ferts i.e. nitrate and phosphorus.  Green spot algae is a classic symptom of phosphorous deficiency.  Rather than treating with medications I would try improving your fertilisation regime.  I recommend that you investigate Estimative Index (EI) or one of the other popular dosing regimes for an idea of what ferts to add.
I've not used the Taifun myself.  Some people seem to have great success with them and others report the same problem as you.  Personally I have a theory that people with hard water suffer because the CO2 is harder to dissolve.  JBL do recommend that you might need an extension if you have hard water.  I didn't buy the Taifun for this exact reason.
It does help to have sufficient water moving through the taifun to speed up absorption so you could try moving the Taifun into an area of stronger flow.

Shows the good absorption of Co2 possible with the Taifun diffuser. The bubbles clearly can be seen to reduce in size as they near the top. As daize has already pointed out hard water makes Co2 uptake difficult with either super long extensions or multiple units being required in some cases. This type of diffuser is one of the better options for yeast generated Co2 reactors but still can be used with compressed gas, though most cylinder compressed gas users, tend to go for some form of ceramic style diffuser/atomiser as the bubbles are finer. For a well planted 260L aquarium you will probably require about 3 bubbles per second minimum to get around 20-30 ppm plus if your drop checker is positioned in an area of poor water circulation your levels of Co2 won't ever read high!
Thankyou both for your prompt replies - the water here is indeed very hard at the moment, what with the recent floodings I think the water authorities have been treating it more than normal - Ph and Phosphates are high out of the tap. I have added Peat Balls to the tank and Peat Media into the fliter (Fluval 305), along with some PhosGuard. Phosphates have reduced immensely, however high Ph is still a problem.
KirkyArcher, I have bought the larger Taifun for £20 from ebay, so will incorporate it into the existing Taifun S. Will also reposition it as advised by daizeUK, probably under the Filter outlet.
I am currently dosing with Seachem Flourish, Seachem Flourish Potassium, API RemoveAlgae, Fluval Plant Micro Nutrients.
I have been toying with the Estimative Index approach, my only concern is having to do huge 50% water changes every week - a weekly 130 Litre water change is a lot !
Thanks again for your help guys
I fitted the new Taifun 10 column with the Taifun S, and it seems to be diffusing well - I get a fine bubble in the top chamber now. The CO2 indicator finally changed colour from Blue to a light Green so looks as though CO2 is actually being distributed in the tank.
Still can't decide whether to go the EI route - i'm put off by the huge 130 litre water changes.
I'll stick with liquid ferts for now and see how it goes.
Thanks again for your help.
nmacog said:
Could anyone please advise if this is the correct route to take ?
Increase your phosphate to combat green spot algae. Consider throwing out stuff like algae killers and phosphate removers and donate all the saved money to the RNLI....


EDIt: you could dose EI at a third the normal rate and just reduce your lighting - You wouldn't have to change as much water then as the plants wont grow so fast.

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