Is sand good for Goldfish or not?


Fish Fanatic
May 3, 2017
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I have recently discovered black sand (on this forum) and I would like to change the coral chips in my cold water tank to black sand. The colours would be amazing. However after researching the internet I have been hit with conflicting information. Some say it's good for Goldfish and some say it can irritate the fishes gills.

Does anyone here have a clear answer to this?

I have had my Goldfish for over 4 years so I do not want to go ahead with any change that could be harmful to them just for the sake of more vibrant colours.
I could see larger, more course sands being a potential problem for smaller goldfish but I don't think your fish are that small. I've kept a juvenile in with coarse sand that was almost large enough to be considered gravel but not too small that the goldfish would be able to pass it through the gills. I suspect any very fine sand would pass easily through a large gold fishes gills
Edit: I've also heard sand recommended for goldfish by experts though I've not personally done it.
I could see larger, more course sands being a potential problem for smaller goldfish but I don't think your fish are that small. I've kept a juvenile in with coarse sand that was almost large enough to be considered gravel but not too small that the goldfish would be able to pass it through the gills. I suspect any very fine sand would pass easily through a large gold fishes gills
Edit: I've also heard sand recommended for goldfish by experts though I've not personally done it.
I have a mix of very large and smaller fish. The biggest is 1 of my Blackmore's at just over 7 inches. The smallest 1 is about 2.5 inches. I was looking at some fine black aquatic sand.
Yeah 2.5 is about how big mine was when he had the course sand and he loved it. I'd put money on your fish being fine in sand, but that's just me.
You might try planters filled with sand at first if you're concerned as it would be easily relocated
Yeah 2.5 is about how big mine was when he had the course sand and he loved it. I'd put money on your fish being fine in sand, but that's just me.
You might try planters filled with sand at first if you're concerned as it would be easily relocated
I'm guessing that sand would be present in the wild. The part which troubles me is that pet Goldfish have been bred in a certain way and probably look nothing a natural wild Goldfish like the Ryukin. I have a veiltail Ryukin about 6 inches big now. I'm wondering if they would find it as easy to pass the sand through their gills as more traditional torpedo shaped Goldfish. I have 2 of those also and they are clearly faster and more efficient than the Ryukin's
Well I'm no expert when it comes to the mutations that goldfish "domestication" has produced but these troubles usually refer to the muscular and finnage changes that make fish unable to swim and balance properly. I've never heard of gill mutations that would hinder respiration and filtration of food.
Well I'm no expert when it comes to the mutations that goldfish "domestication" has produced but these troubles usually refer to the muscular and finnage changes that make fish unable to swim and balance properly. I've never heard of gill mutations that would hinder respiration and filtration of food.
Oh I'm no expert either lol. I think I'm going to just go ahead with it and see how it goes. I think if it works it will very rewarding.

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