Is My Pleco In Danger?


New Member
Nov 30, 2012
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Michigan, USA
I have a almost 4 inch bristlenose pleco that I have always believed was a male, but quite recently he's gotten REALLY fat! I heard plecos can get constipated (?) and can die from it so I have started to worry! Maybe he is a she though and she's just full of eggs???
He/She is about a year old with decently long brisltes, thats why I thought it was a male.
I can't upload any pictures, so if anybody could post some of females with eggs, or a constipated one I'd really apprciate it!
Peeled peas are good for constipation. If it has bristles all around its head then it is a male. If it just has them around the edge then it's a female.
I hope this helps, and anyone else correct me if I'm wrong :p
The above information is correct.
What are you feeding?  
Make sure the fish is pooping.
Female bn

Male bn
He must be a male based on the pictures you provided. I feed him TetraVeggie wafers, Cucmber, and he really seems to like Watermelon Rines.
Is he pooping?
If you have a QT, putting him into a bare bottom QT will allow you to find the poo easily.  You should find out quick enough, because they should be pooing quite often.
Now you know its constipation.  Have you tried feeding him thawed (previously frozen) peas?
Make sure not to feed anything meaty. Feed only the pea- see if he eats it and if it helps. You may want to remove the shell. If not the next line of defense is to treat in an H tank adding Epsom Salt. This will need to be done carefully as it raises GH (andTDS) levels.
Do you have the ability to set up a hospital tank. I do not suggest exposing your healthy fish to the changes that treating with Epsom will cause? In order to suggest dosages, I need to know how many US gallons would be involved and where the fish would be treated.
The good part is Epsom Salt is cheap and available at any drug store or supermarket with an  OTC drug etc, aisle.
Start by adding a tablespoon. Take out a few cups of tank water and mix in the Epsom and pour it back in. Often, not all the Epsom dissolves. So let that stay in the container and add more tank water and dissolve and pour. Pour slowly and preferably into flow. After about 12 hours repeat the dose so you have 2 tablespoons in the 10 gallons.
Watch the fish. It should be OK with this TDS increase. If it has not pooped in the 24 hours following the 2 tablespoon, add a 3rd.
If at any time along the way you do a water change be sure your replacement water contains the same amount of Epsom as the tank water does at the time.
Note that 3 tablespoons will be roughly 1 teaspoon/gal. in a 10. You may be able to go higher, but I would tend not to do so unless things appear more desperate. Also, make sure the fish is warm enough. keep the temp about 80F or so.

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