Is My Platy Nearing Birth?

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Aug 21, 2014
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Hi everyone got 2 pregnant platys for pet shop 1 gave birth yesterday so have 13 fry
The other one is pregnant and have put in a tank of it's own to hopefully save fry she is swimming from one end of the tank to the other quite fast and has pooped a lot today I am wondering if it's got long to go? Or maybe if it's ready to have then today? I have included some pics
Any help would be appreciated thanks


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Usually female platies "square off" just before giving birth - this means that they look so fat they are fit to burst.
She certainly looks like she has a gravid spot tho.
She looks like she has a way to go yet. To know when she's very near, you need to look out for her 'squaring off'; that's when the females stomach develops distinct corners, and she'll look like she's swallowed a box

Once that happens, they usually give birth within 24 hours, although they can hold on to their fry if they don't feel safe.

do be careful saving fry though. I know it sounds harsh, but your females might be better left in the main tank. Some fry will get eaten, but livebearers have so many fry, if you save them all, you'll soon be over run. Many shops won't take fry from hobbyists, and with each female having 30, 40, or even 60 fry, every 30 days, you'll soon run out of friends to give them to as well...

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