Im Very Worried…

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Animal Lover 2000

Sep 8, 2012
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Ohhhhhh, I'm so scared I want to get amano shrimp (10 for my 55 g) but I've been reading on various sites including here, and they seem to like murdering other fish. I know how to tell the deference between amanos and the insane fierce ones (short arms on amanos and long arms on the evil ones)
But I do not want the amanos to get a little taste of my living fish.
here read this please:
Please please help me :/
amanos wont attacj healthy fish only sick ones, there not killing machines
+1 to that, iv had amanos for ages, they do eat moss as well....or at least the tips or at least mine did, little buggers :L only thing i dident like them for, but they did get rid of alot of alage 
They generally only attack ill fish but everyone on that thread was insistent they've seen amano's eating healthy fish... I know because I was one of the people defending the Amano's as I never had a problem with mine. 
still id doubt it would happen and even if it could i wouldnt just judge it on a thread and id stick with the many people who HAVENT had the problem.
Hungry and big amanos will eat anything they find, including plants. The only way to know which side on the story you'll be is to get the amanos and see for yourself.
snazy said:
Hungry and big amanos will eat anything they find, including plants. The only way to know which side on the story you'll be is to get the amanos and see for yourself.
Agreed. I wouldn't have replied to the thread if I'd not had amano's to have the experience with. I never personally had problems with mine but there are people who have so the only way you can really say is if you have kept Amano's I suppose.
ive never had problems and ive even kept them with guppy fry....
ncguppy830 said:
ive never had problems and ive even kept them with guppy fry....
Neither have I after keeping them with female betta's, emerald and red tail rasboras, male guppies, an oto and some temporary baby paradise fish. Even when one of my female betta's fell ill with dropsy they didn't bother her.
hmm that is strange about them attcking healthy fish though,so you might as well keep a close eye the first couple days and if it predatory then take it out.
Alright thanks for the help guys we can't get them today because we have  to go the water/amusement park >.> 
TOMMARROW for sure

ncguppy830 said:
you might as well keep a close eye the first couple days and if it predatory then take it out.
Where should I put it?
Hopefully I won't have to put it anywhere >.>
another tank maybe, shrimp arent as hard to house, maybe you could return it to the store also.

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