I Love My New Hobby!


Nov 1, 2013
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Hi everyone!

I am from Singapore!

A newbie in fish-keeping (3mths to be exact!) and loving it!

Set up a 47 Litres (60cm x 35cm x 35cm) Community Freshwater Fish Tank!

With few casualties (Sad) but the rest survived and are currently the Pioneers of my Fish Tank!

They are:
1) 3x Red Zebra Danios
2) 4x Lemon Tetras
3) 3x Electric Blue Rams
4) 3x Sterbai Corydoras
5) 1x Golden Chinese Algae Eater Sucking Loach

The Casualties are:
1) 15x Harlequin Rasboras( All died within 2 Days)
2) 1x Lemon Tetra
3) 1x Golden Chinese Algae Eater Sucking Loach

With New Additions to the Community:
1) 13x Neon Tetras
2) 1x Panda Corydoras
3) 1x Adolfis Corydoras
4) 2x Southern Platies
5) 1x Golden Chinese Algae Eater Sucking Loach

So thats it! For now! Haha! Hope to hear more stories from you guys!

Looking Forward
AquaPit =)
be careful---I believe you're overstocking your tank---remember,  no more than 1 inch of fish per 4 liters of tank--figure size when fully grown---I wouldn't be adding any fish to your original stock
Welcome to the forum!
Although I must say you are already overstocked on your tank..the fish aren't really appropriate for the tank size at all.
Please re-home the new added fish or get them a much larger tank, you will be going through another fish-in cycle! 
Hi AquaPit. Are the dimensions of your tank correct? If so, then the volume would be:
(60cm * 35cm * 35cm) * (0.001L / 1cm^3) = 73.5L, or about 74L
Did you perhaps reverse the digits when you wrote the volume?
that sounds like a lot in a tank that small.....
Way way way overstocked you might be loving it but your torturing your fish return them or rehome them as soon as possible.
Thank You all for your welcome and feedbacks!

I am truly aware of the overstocking issue. I have done my research first before committing myself into putting that amount of fishes in my tank. I am also taking this measured risk and see how it will turn out.

Some infos about my tank:
1) Using fake plants
2) One 'Bridge' Canary Wood
3) Some Pebbles
4) Black/White Sand Gravel

- Water change once every 2 weeks.
- Filter clean-up using the same water in my tank(not tap water).
- Charcoal Bag in my filter to make the water clear.
- PH value currently buffering at 7.5-7.8(even after numerous water changes).
- Feeding times: 2x Daily (0900hrs & 2100hrs)

The community looks stable. But if there is anything that I should be looking out for, please do flag me up and I will try to do the necessary. Thanks once again!

Still Looking Forward
AquaPit =)
guppy2002 said:
that sounds like a lot in a tank that small.....
Haha.. Yes! It do sounds a lot but trust me, it LOOKS just nice for me! =)


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Donya said:
Hi AquaPit. Are the dimensions of your tank correct? If so, then the volume would be:
(60cm * 35cm * 35cm) * (0.001L / 1cm^3) = 73.5L, or about 74L
Did you perhaps reverse the digits when you wrote the volume?
Well, I certainly hope I did a reverse of digits in this case! Haha! I certainly like your version better!
I used this app where it calculates the volume for me. I just input the digits, that is all. But thanks! Appreciate your reply! =)

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