Hybrid and died fish.....a list of fish!!

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Cant see that much difference between the two,why dont people just buy the natural fish?It would probably be cheaper.
silver said:
I have run across this site as well. I don't know why that upsets you personally. It looked like a factual site, and she was explaing how not to confuse the two. And she is right. The Parrot fish isn't very pretty or popular. I personally don't think that she meant anything else but the facts.

Why did this upset you?

Hi Silver

Its not fair to call a fish ugly when you're comparing it to a man made and probably dyed fish!

People should stick with what nature intended us to have.

I was at the fish shop yesterday and had a good look at them. I can see why people would find them cute, but I think i pity this fish more than dislike it :(
I understand....I think almost 100% of the people out there think the same way. I would think that I would too, but for some reason I really like the little guys. I do feel bad that some wierdos were probably trying to make one bad ass cichlid by breeding 2, but the outcome wasn't this big bad fighting machine, it is a simple, plump, happy fish that has personality and plenty of funny characteristics. I think they are soooo cute and I love mine, but I feel bad that he was not from nature. I have mixed feelings, but I love my Polly regardless. Maybe someday I will wake up and say...this isn't right (I already know that) but maybe I will start protesting or something... :grr: But for now,....I'm just enjoying my lovely fish...that means ALL of my fish :) :wub:

But I do understand why so many of you hate them, and I know that keeps you from buying them which is really a good thing. But I also truly believe that if one of you "haters" were to get one....don't write back telling me why you wouldn't because I ALREADY KNOW THE DRILL...but I believe you would fall head over heels. I really do.

Thanks for listening,
I think its (im my case) more to do with the implications of such a fish. They havent spend the last million years evolving into what they are. Maybe in the future more hybrids will be created and they will be given credit where credit isnt due.

Oh well, what can we do? We'll leave it as that :)

I must admit if they hadnt been 'made' i'd might have looked into getting one :) (they're ugly in a cute way ;))
Most of this "personality" that emerges with Blood Parrots is a typical cichlid trait, and all cichlids can be found with this inquisitive intelligent personality.
If someone ever gave me one of those fish, I think I would have to Euthanasiasise (spelling) it, a quick painless experience for it would be better than it struggling along to swim or trying to open its disfigured jaw to eat for the rest of it's life. These fish are horrible creations,and although it's not their fault ,the sooner all of them are gone, the better.
Just my opinion though, I do not mean to attack anyone who enjoys these mutants swimming through their tanks.
I don;t think it's right to put hybrid in the same category as dyed fish IMO. However, I think this is a very informative post and perhaps it should be pinned. Or can that not be done in this forum?
CheeseSpecialist.......do you mean that hybrids shouldn't even be acknowledged because they are such a waste of life.......or that you don't think it's that "big of a deal" or what....................Sorry, just didn't understand what you were saying.

I got a lot of beef when I first joined this forum over having my Blood Parrot. Part of the reason why I made this Topic, all of a whole year ago, was because I wanted to point out how many other people here had dyed fish and didn't even know it and to spread the word on all these types of fish!

I also know that no one will probably vote for my Photo Nomination just because it's a Blood Parrot. That's okay...............I love him none-the-less :/ :)

I have enough trouble choosing fish from all the naturally pretty fish there are out there....let alone having more selections due to practises such as this. Geez....why create something so outrageosuly weird in the first place....don't these people realise that there are enough pretty fish out there and we just don't need artificial "pretiness".

Anyway....thats just my 2 cents worth
silver said:
CheeseSpecialist.......do you mean that hybrids shouldn't even be acknowledged because they are such a waste of life.......or that you don't think it's that "big of a deal" or what....................Sorry, just didn't understand what you were saying.
I don't think it's as much of a problem TBH. I understand that it can cause problems where the fish cannot function properly. However, I do not think it's anywhere near the cruelty of dyeing.

There are many fish that have been selectivley bred to produce different fish. These include goldfis and others. I have a problem with the over complicating of goldfish and their resulting finnage which impairs their ability to swim properly.

Or am I confusing the meaning of hybrid?
Most of this "personality" that emerges with Blood Parrots is a typical cichlid trait, and all cichlids can be found with this inquisitive intelligent personality.
I was thinking exactly the same thing. Silver, you would love natural cichlids too! :D

The fact is, most people who keep fish don't frequent forums like this and have no idea what they have bought.

I don't believe the Hybrids should be counted here, but genetically altered is just as sick. Tailess Flowerhorns? What kind of mind finds that attractive??
Dyeing fish is barbaric. I don't feel anger towards people who buy them though, as I know they do not usually know they they are dyed.

To read up on the techniques used, take a look at:

http://www.deathbydyeing.org some techniques are horrid.

A relatively new site - I'm a mod on the forum there B)
Dyed Fish Are an inevitable part of the fish trade, that will take a long time to be stopped.

But think for a minute about some of the fish that have now become available because of Hybridization.

I got 1 Hybrid Butterfly Leopard Danio Yesterday, And Today when I went to Collect my Libby Giant Betta, They had more in. So I bought the lot.
Now I have 1 Butterfly Leopard and 4 Butterfly Zebras. They Are beuatiful Fish and If they Spawn all the better for me. These Fish are rare here so whenever I see them I will Get them.

Japanese Bubble Eyes - Are they GM Fish - Don't Know.

I am Rescuing A Painted/Dyed Sarasa Comet - Why, Because I would prefer to care for it myself, and not let someone buy it just because it look pretty. It will need care and attention to keep it healthy. If it turns out to be a Food Coloring Dyed Fish then so be it.
I also know that no one will probably vote for my Photo Nomination just because it's a Blood Parrot. That's okay...............I love him none-the-less

Nothing like that would effect a decision I made in choosing the prettiest fish. All fish are beautiful,some people prefer natural fishes,some people just don't mind. :)
well the painted fish i don't agree with but when it comes to geneticly modified fish thats a different matter.

i don't think its bad i mean if u were GM u probabily won't know it unless someone told u and we think on a higher level than fish and i don't belive that its playing god if god didn't want us to be able to do this then there would be no way in hell this can be done god created nature and he probabiliy made us and gave us the knowlage to take evolution to the next step.

don't get me wrong i dissagree with anything that harms fish with the exeption of keeping them in a tank. sometimes i feel that i should let them go back in the place they came form.

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