How do I get rid of wall algae?


Fish Crazy
Jul 8, 2022
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There's been algae on the tank walls for a while now. I can't scrub it off. I have the light on for seven hours each day. It's a planted tank. I've had algae on decor and plants too but that's been easier to wipe off. I have a snail and platies that sometimes pick at the algae. I don't want to get any more algae eating livestock. Should I give one of those algae remover bottles a try? Because it won't come off.
Try an old credit card. I use one to scrape off algae AND mineral scum on a Goldfish aquarium I keep outdoors. Works on the hardest algae I find. Glass or Acrylic-does both.
A stanley blade works well, but must know how to hold it so you don't scratch the glass or slice your fingers off, and I don't really know how to describe the method, lol. If using a sponge or cloth won't remove it, then an algae scraper, an algae magnet, or as Stan said, an old credit card should work.
Agree to both suggestions. The more stubborn algae may need the razor blade. They also sell stainless steel blades with handles at many fish stores which work as well as the razor without the possibility of rusting in the future. I will follow up with suggesting a magic eraser wipe down to keep the algae wall from making a return.
A stanley blade works well but must know how to hold it so you don't scratch the glass or slice your fingers off, and I don't really know how to describe the method, lol. If using a sponge or cloth won't remove it, then an algae scraper, an algae magnet, or as Stan said, an old credit card should work.
I'll see about the other options, I've tried both cloth and an algae magnet, neither of those did anything.
Picture of the algae?

Normally you can remove algae from glass with a sponge or nylon (not metal) scourer. A single sided razorblade or credit card also works.

If they don't get rid of it, then it could be something else (coralline algae). If it is, then it is worth keeping.

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