Holes In Fish (Cyst That's Exploded)


New Member
Oct 18, 2012
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Leeds, UK
Hi all. I had a cyst appear on the side of one of my CPDs (Celestial Pearl Danio). I thought maybe it was from scrapping with another fish so didn't do anything. Anyway, that popped and another two have appeared now, so I need to sort something out.

I have done a 30% water change and turned on my UV filter.

What next? Shall I whip this fish out into a quarantine tank? I would have to set it up with totally fresh water, so is that OK? I also have another CPD that seems to have a swim bladder problem so that fish could go into quarantine too, if they need the same meds.

I have pimafix and melafix that I could treat in the quarantine or main tank.

Thanks in advance.
Looks like the parasite "Dermosporidia" (a little worm that is usually enclosed in an apparent bubble) has entered your tank, most treatments to remove them are believed to be ineffective while they are attached, I dosed Esha 2000 and tried Sterazin but apparently these little beasties detach from the fish of their own accord, at some point during their life cycle though they are susceptible to treatments!
This is one instance were salting your tank will help prevent secondary bacterial infections starting and be of benefit to prevent further spreading.
Is there any way to find a pic of this particular parasite? I have google image searched and I couldn't find anything particularly useful. To be honest, I have never spotted anything in the cysts that actually looked like a parasite. I had a fish die of a cyst not long ago and then a couple of days later found a large worm that people thought was a planaria in the tank, so I wouldn't be surprised.

Here's that thread.
You can see one of them in your pic in the "cyst" bellow the dorsal fin, 
here is a pic of a cardinal tetra with a more obvious case.

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