Guppy Swimming Into Filter :o


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
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I'm not sure if this constitutes an emergency, so I posted it here.
I have a male guppy in my tank. His guppy mates died a while ago so he has been living with two platys and three Corydoras for months now and so far he has seemed quite happy. Until yesterday when I went to feed the fish I noticed he was missing! I started imagining all the horror scenarios. Finally I located him INSIDE the cascade filter. He was in the container part right next to the tube-like thingies that are grouped in a net and works as biological filtration. I'm sorry I can't explain myself more clearly!
  I had just made a routine water change a day before and that raised the water level. Maybe he has seen Finding Nemo and is planning a grand escape from my tank
  He appeared to have swum into the cascade current pretty much like salmons do.
I have been keeping an eye on him and he has done this several times. I just rescued him and returned him to the main tai for the 5th time. I think his tail fin is a little damaged from these adventures inside the filter.
How can I make him stop this? I have to take off the lamp, the lid, climb into a chair so I can reach the filter and struggle a bit to return him without damaging him. Worst of all I'm afraid he might get stuck in a dangerous part of the filter. That would be awful. I've had my share of little weak fish being sucked by filtration systems and it's NOT nice.
He doesn't look ill, he does not appear to be gasping for air or anything. At least, not that I can see. His behavior is otherwise normal. He eats with his tank mates and until a few days ago he had never done this before. I must say I'm baffled

Has anyone had a similar experience? 
10 gal. tank with AquaClear 50 cascade filter. 
1 male guppy (the culprit of this post) two mickey mouse Plattys and 3 albino Corydoras (they look awesome against black gravel!)
Hi, I'm not familiar with the filter but have just done a google search and can see the one you have, I would lower the water level again just so he cannot swim up into the filter so easily and keep an eye, I imagine something is bothering him to cause him to do this but what I don't know 
Maybe he just does it I'm not sure.
give him a time out and tell him not to do that again--maybe he'll eventually get it into his tiny brain
Fishmanic said:
give him a time out and tell him not to do that again--maybe he'll eventually get it into his tiny brain
 I lowered the water level a bit and so far he seems to be in good behavior. let's see if it lasts. 
 LyraGuppi maybe you're right. He looks healthy.
Guppies and Endlers do seem to enjoy 'exploring'; my three male Endlers kept jumping into my filter compartment, until I blocked the gap (which was only a cm or so wide!) with some filter sponge.
I was getting heartily sick of having to fish them out of there!

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