
New Member
Feb 6, 2019
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hello, I recently got 2 fish tanks and started phsycling them. I had 4 guppies and a snail in one tank and in the other I had 2 mollies a snail and 2 guppies. In one of my tanks both of my mollies died. That startled me so I moved my other fish (the guppies and the snail) to the other tank because I knew the water was good and none of my fish died in that tank. I got the water tested this morning and and they said it was good but now I’m worried I have too many fish in that tank and don’t know what to do next. My other tank doesn’t have a filter because I read I didn’t need one, but I’m thinking I definitely need one now! Help! What should I do about my over populated cycling fish tank?


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Hello and welcome to the forum :) how long has your tank been set up and whats the size of it? You are correct in saying guppies need a filter anyone who tells you otherwise is incorrect. Please ensure you are carrying out your weekly water changes and testing your water. Every time your nitrites or ammonia are above 0 carry out a water change. Best of luck!
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Are all your guppies or fish males? If there are both genders, they will breed and add tons of unwanted fish to the tank, which would overpopulated the tank more
From the pictures provided to me some of them do look female so I am assuming that you are aware that guppies will breed at some point. Hence why they are known as “million fish”
They have both been set up for about 4 days, both 10 gallons. All of the guppies are supposed to be female. I think I will go to the store and get 2 sponge filters. One for the tank with the filter and one for the tank without the filter. That way if the one with 2 filters is still over populated it will be filter better. What are your thoughts on this? I was thinking about the sponge filters because because I eventually wanted African dwarf frogs and read this was the best filter.
They have both been set up for about 4 days, both 10 gallons. All of the guppies are supposed to be female. I think I will go to the store and get 2 sponge filters. One for the tank with the filter and one for the tank without the filter. That way if the one with 2 filters is still over populated it will be filter better. What are your thoughts on this? I was thinking about the sponge filters because because I eventually wanted African dwarf frogs and read this was the best filter.

10g is fine for up to 8 guppies as long as the tank is cycled so the build up of bacteria doesn’t overload the filter. I currently keep 3 males in a 10g and my tank has started a cycle again too I think, due to moving them over from a 5g. How many guppies do you have? Sponge filters are a good option I have had success with this type. Well done for seeking advice. Best of luck.
It sounds like once I move my guppies back to the other tank and put a filter in there everything will be good. Thank you for your advice. Do you have any experience with African dwarf frogs?
It sounds like once I move my guppies back to the other tank and put a filter in there everything will be good. Thank you for your advice. Do you have any experience with African dwarf frogs?

Yes definitely put a filter in with your guppies this is vital. Cycling tanks have a way of drastically changing in terms of water peramaters so continue to observe this too. I can see from the photo that you have a thermometer to check the temperature. This is positive but you will also need a heater if there isn’t already one in, just in case the temperature was to change suddenly. Most pet stores sell preset heaters that will maintain the temperature for you so you don’t have to worry about it becoming to warm or too cold. Unfortunately I haven’t had any experience with African dwarf frogs but if you post another thread I am sure there are other members who have had plenty of experience. They can advice further on the best care for them. Good luck :)
There’s a heater in there hiding in the right behind some plants, air too! Thank you for your advice! I will post another thread asking questions! :)
Another question I have is will the guppies be okay in this overstocked cycling tank until morning. The reason I ask is because it’s snowing and extreme weat
Another question I have is will the guppies be okay in this overstocked cycling tank until morning. The reason I ask is because it’s snowing and extreme weat

When you say overstocked I am guessing you mean there is more than 8 guppies in total living in this tank at the moment. As long as the temperature is maintained between 74 - 82F they should be fine until the morning. However if your tank is overstocked as stated I would really recommended purchasing a bigger tank ASAP. The last thing you need is to start loosing guppies due to inadequate space.
There’s a heater in there hiding in the right behind some plants, air too! Thank you for your advice! I will post another thread asking questions! :)

You are very welcome and thanks for confirming. I am glad there is a heater in there, I’m sure the temperature will be fine if between the ranges stated above. I am sure you will get all the advice you need about the African dwarf frogs you want too. Good luck!

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