Guinea Pigs


Fish Addict
Jul 30, 2007
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Hiding behind the aqautic plants.
Hi everyone :D If you would be able to snaswer even 1 of these questions, you would be a big help :D
My gerbil just recently died. And I have been so sad.
I researched into things, and I found that I might want a guinea pig.
They are just so cute and cuddly. And well I now desperately want one lol. So the following questions for Guinea owners...
They can be kept outdoors during the summer if I am not mistaken?
Cause I am hoping for outdoor summers. Early fall outdoors. Winter indoors. Late spring outdoors? Will this be okay?
Also I would like a pair. And I was well informed they do well together. and are social animals. So I was thinking male and female? I would like to get into breeding. And I have 2 extra cages in case I ever change my mind. But of course I could easily take the male to a vet to neuter him if I change my mind. But do male female combos not do well? Woudl it be better to house just a couple females?
I plan on doing a lot more research, and my pruchase will only be in months. But I would like to be prepared.
I also plan on rescueing, preferably a couple adults, but would the adults be harder to tame?
Age span 5ish years?
And what breed would do best in your opinion?
Are wire cages fine? with plastic bottom.
And are the huggable lovable creatures? Will they connect with me and learn to love me? Could I teach them things (I was informed I could teach the piggies to jump!)?
I really want a great pet. I loved my gerbil. And please let me know if a guinea pig is right for me :D
Also I am allergic to cats and bunnies. Do guineas have deifferent hair? or is it the same? Would I be allergic to them aswell??
I will add lots more questiong when I remember more :D But please, I am hungry for lots of answers from owners themselves.
Thanks in advance
Even if you bought good quality guinea pigs with pedigrees to start breeding you would not be able to keep them together all the time.
When a sow gives birth she comes back into season and the Boar will mate her again.Its called breed back or back to back breeding.
This will weaken the sow and she will eventualy die.So you would need at least 2 cages for the adults then another cage for the baby Boars

Not sure what the situation is like over there but in the uk it is horrendous so If you are thinking pet shop piggies
Would you be able to get homes for the Babies?
At the moment I have 27 guinea pigs in my rescue and I have just heard of a rescue that has been asked to take on 71 guinea pigs.
All the rescues are full so you could struggle to get homes for them.
Babys Boars have to be seperated at 3 weeks old or they will mate with mum and sisters.

Unless you can provide all of this I would go with either 2 sows or 2 Boars they make great Pets
I absolutely love guineas i had 5 at one point. Currently i have 1 guinea pig a female called Honey she used to have a friend but she passed away a few months ago she has been on her own ever since , she is just over 4 years old now i did think of getting her a friend but she seems quite happy on her own. I have only ever kept female guineas i guess i just prefer girls. My auntie has two male guineas in with a female rabbit and the get along great. I think you should get either two male or two female or maybe more depending on the size of their cage. My auntie used to have four females in a cage together. Or i can also recommend a small rabbit i have a lionhead rabbit called Louie he was called Lola untill i discovered she was actually a boy a couple of months later lol.Louie is now 5 months old and is a ball of fluff i have to brush him every day he loves his cuddles and running around the garden.
Thanks a lot for the info. Graham: I do have 3 cages, but I will most likeley stick to a female or something. Thanks for the reply ;)
Lil: I am allergic to bunnies/rabbits. Thanks though for the info. I think 2 would be the max for my cage though, because it is not humungous, but I do believe it housed guineas earlier, I just kept gerbils and got it second-hand. It is fairly large, but I would want anough space for them to hop around at least 5 skips before they come to the end of it, I I think that it will easily house 1 or 2. :D
I have two male guinea pigs in a hutch together. They are brothers and get on together really well. They are great pets, really cuddly and friendly. I'd highly recommend them.

They previously lived in a cage like the one you describe and they were perfectly happy in it.

I am allergic to bunnies but not piggies, although they need a lot of hay and that does set off my allergies. Cleaning out the hutch makes me sneeze something terrible :(

I have never succeeded in teaching the piggies anything, they don't seem particularly bright but you might be able to if you bribe them with food - they are greedy little beasts!

Hope this helps.
That actually helps a lot lizzie. I was wondering about the allergies :D My gerbil started making me a bit sneezy nearing the end of her life, but I didnt mind it too much. And when we were outside I never even noticed anything :D You keep your indoors? or Outdoors?
And one more question; Can you let them free-roam? Like if you let them free, do they run away?
My friend said she would let hers romp about outside and in the kitchen anytime of day, then put it back in the cage and it would not run away.
I keep mine in an outside hutch - they were inside but I moved them out due to the allergies. It takes a bit of work to keep them warm in winter, including a microwavable heat pad at night (my hubby now thinks I'm mad!).

No I don't let them roam free. They'd be off like a shot and I'd never see them again! They could roam indoors but they tend to chew electric cables or hide under the sofa so I have a large run for the garden or a smaller one to use indoors.
Okay thanks! And what breed/s do you have? And what breed/s do you suggest? (Please dont be too spcific (long haired/short haired/ every-which-way hair will do lol)
Mine are short-haired, which is great because they don't need much grooming. I don't have experience with longer haired ones but I think the ones with the longest hair need grooming every day which is too much like hard work for me! But other than that I think they're all cute, apart from those horrible hairless ones.
I have a group of 5!
Four sows and a neutered boar. Three of mine are long haired and take a fair bit of grooming to keep them looking clean and tidy.
I keep them inside in a hutch. My five are fantastic as a group, there is no way i would keep a piggie on its own.
I initially started with two sows (litter mates) so maybe this is the best idea for you also?

As Graham has pointed out, it is not a great idea to breed..........
Alrgiht. I think I will skip out on the breeding thing. And yes. I think I will get 2 sows. I will keep the grooming in mind ;)
I think I will get 2 short haired sows. That is the best idea ;) Your piggies sound cute as a bunch!
I agree short haired are def the easiest
I have short and long haired ones and you have to spend a lot of time grooming the long haired ones.
this is a few of my errr 32 at the min including the rescues :crazy:






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