Guinea Pigs As Pets?

I can't see anything...
Anyways, I think as long as you let them out once a day or every other day, they should be okay. Though I can't see the picture so I don't know for sure what the cage looks like.. We had two guinea pigs when I was little, Cocoa and Chocolate. They lived on a table in our basement, with a make-shift pen. The table was about the size as a dining table so...
I think the min. size for a guinea pig cage is 3 feet by 2 and a half feet. For one guinea pig, that is. For two, probably 4 and a half by 3 feet. Though, the more space the merrier. 
We have four females these days, aged ~9 months to ~3.5 years (Rocket; Cocoa; Pumpkin; Pepper). They live in an indoor run that is ~5'x4' (ground sheet with plastic fencing), which has a 2-storey ~4'x2' hutch inside it (which has legs that raise it off the floor, so the girls can safely use the shaded area underneath the hutch).
When we had three, we used to use a container very similar to the OP's link (~4'x2' footprint), but we still had a ~4'x2' outer run using the ground sheet and fencing.
On nicer summer days like we have had this week up until today, they go into a ~4'x4' run in the back garden with their water bottle, which gets moved around day to day for them to munch the fresh grass shoots (we remove any brambles before adding the pigs). The garden is left completely wild, no chemicals are added. We very rarely have to use the non-electric lawn mower. ;)
Despite what the pet store people tell you that cage is not big enough for two guineas, you need to be looking at something with an area of at least 10 square feet, ideally 12 SQ FT minimum, they need lots of space to explore, they are very inquisitive little animals and love running around and playing with toys, split levels would be even better as they like going up and down ramps to different areas of their home, beds upstairs food and play area downstairs, ours go outside almost every day when warm enough in a 20 SQ FT run on the grass, amazing little lawn mowers, they love the dandylions that are growing in our lawn, just make sure you don't add anything to your grass, weed killer etc and make sure they have plenty of water and some shaded area to shelter from hot sun and they can stay out there all day
I have one piggy and the cage I have is bigger than the one in the link. Like shadders just said, they are very inquisitive and love exploring. Mine loves the grass outside! Munch munch :)
No, I think hutches with runs are much more suitable for guinea pigs, it would be ok as a temporary holding pen for them but that is about it, it's even less suitable for rabbits! 

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