
New Member
Jul 19, 2013
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Hey all, 

In a previous post a lot of people told me that I needed to get rid of a Algae eating loach that was growing too large and territorial. I did not personally purchase these fish but received them as a gift. Now I want to know what people mean by "getting rid of a fish" or "the fish needs to go". I cannot keep another aquarium in my house and i'm quite sure I cannot give them back to any stores. I may well leave them in the aquarium for the time being. However, should I ever euthanize a fish if it is really too troublesome? If so, what is generally accepted as the proper and humane method of doing so? :( :(


no just because you cant care for a fish does not give you the right to kill them. look for a fish rescue agency or put an ad up online but dont kill it.
A lot of fish stores should be more than ok with taking on a fish as it's free profit for them, just have to ask around :)
On this forum, we should always mean to rehome the fish, never to kill it needlessly :D
I had 2 of the chinese algae eaters as the LFS sold me them as pakistani loaches but I didn't know any better. Even though they were on their best behaviour and didn't bother anyone it was only because they were young. I had to do what's best so I rehomed them :)
With so many people in the UK on this forum, I would find it hard to believe if none of the members on the forum live in your general area. Furthermore, you'd probably be able to find it a good home.
Even if not, why would the LFS not take a free fish to sell it for a mega profit?
Yeah just go to any pet store and give it to em for free, but you cant keep it in there it will just get bigger and more aggressive until one day you walk in and he'll be your only fish.
A man near me always takes on people's fish. The one's you want to talk to are ones with lot's of spare tanks. Most LFSs don't have spare tanks in my area so cannot quarantine new fish
yeah if no pet stores will take it start asking around someone is bound to want a free fish.
There is also a for sale UK section on this forum, you could always try put it on there as a free giveaway and see if anybody near you can take it off you

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