population control

  1. M

    Shrimp population explosion

    Hi all I was gifted 5 blue shrimp about two months ago. I was very happy at the time. Now I have more like 500 blue shrimp of varying sizes and the rate at which they're multiplying is worrying. Everywhere I look there are little blue shrimp, from the top to the bottom of the tank - the pic is...
  2. Circus

    Population Control Achieved!

    My brackish water tank has finally reached equilibrium! My 20 gallon brackish tank houses my female guppies, with only 1 (the original) producing fry. She usually drops 50+ every 29 days or so. The daughters from previous batches are finally big enough to eat their younger siblings. Primal...
  3. mikerawr

    Getting Rid Of A Fish?

    Hey all,  In a previous post a lot of people told me that I needed to get rid of a Algae eating loach that was growing too large and territorial. I did not personally purchase these fish but received them as a gift. Now I want to know what people mean by "getting rid of a fish" or "the fish...