Gah! My goldfish LOVE salt!!


Oct 31, 2003
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:look: Ok I put some more salt into my 100 gallon aquarium today and I was aiming away from the vecinity of all my goldfish. Welll....They all darted into the salt cloud as if it were a bath!! I was like "AH! Salt burning!!" And I tried to shoo them away. It was no good...They all kept swimming happily about and trying to suck up thesalt as it dissolved in the water...Nothing happened to them either, it's the funniest thing!
goldFish do the funnist things :crazy: keep your eye on them for a couple of days just in case :sick:
I think you should erect a net barrior next time. If your feeding them right that can't be good for them can it?

that or get some video footage next time

Fish get a refreshed feeling form salt

They shouldnt be eating them though...

My goldfish get salt in the aquarium a every water change

Dont put more than 2tsp of salt per gallon or the fish might die (I put half tsp per gallon)
Goldfish always like a bit of salt in the water. :D

I'd be careful to disolve it before adding it to the tank, though. I don't think it would be good for them if the ate it. :sick:
I asked Tetra about adding salt in the aquarium with goldfish and the reply was only use it if the fish are ill not as a regular thing ;)
goldene said:
I asked Tetra about adding salt in the aquarium with goldfish and the reply was only use it if the fish are ill not as a regular thing ;)
Well it's been a week and they are fine....It's still funny that they try to eat anything that moves in that tank...It's like I don't feed them enough or
Man my goldfish when i only opened the hood were basically jumping out of the water to get the food. They eat as much as they can and for some weird reason don't get sick.
Yeah my goldfish are piggies...especially Neo, he's my biggest. Now my tank water is cloudy and I have no money to run out and get a new filter cartraige... Grrrrr....(adds a little more carbon to the previous filter and hopes for the best until payday.)
I'm not sure why you're adding salt to your goldies aquarium? But to do it use a fish net and put the salt inside it and let it then dissolve into the water, this way fish can't eat the granules. This is what I do when my livebearer tank needs salt.
William said:
I'm not sure why you're adding salt to your goldies aquarium? But to do it use a fish net and put the salt inside it and let it then dissolve into the water, this way fish can't eat the granules. This is what I do when my livebearer tank needs salt.
I actually do it to prevent ICH. It works WONDERS too. I have been having horrible problems with Ich because I only buy Feeders. (Shubunkins are the exception). I feel that feeders need a chnace at a happy life a well. :D I started adding the salt to my filter in front of the carbon bags so that it dissolves before it gets into the tank water. I do it with each water change and it definatley improves the tank condition. It even enhances the color of my fish to a small degree. :D
Hi FishHeads :)

Some of my most beautiful and favorite goldfish started their lives as feeder fish! Those little comets turned out to have lovely flowing tails and fins. IMHO they were nicer looking than most of the fancy ones. One little guy I saved practically from the jaws of a turtle. :D

One thing to be aware of is that they are raised in ponds and often have parasites on them. :/ Clout is a good product to treat them with if you suspect they might have gill flukes or other parasites.
Inchworm said:
Hi FishHeads :)

Some of my most beautiful and favorite goldfish started their lives as feeder fish! Those little comets turned out to have lovely flowing tails and fins. IMHO they were nicer looking than most of the fancy ones. One little guy I saved practically from the jaws of a turtle. :D

One thing to be aware of is that they are raised in ponds and often have parasites on them. :/ Clout is a good product to treat them with if you suspect they might have gill flukes or other parasites.
Which is why I use salt and Collodial Silver. No parasitic break outs since I started the tank with those two things.
Kinda reminds me of how my dog would eat a whole box of candy bars or and onion. Not know that either could kill her :/ They know enough to be dangerous :)

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