I was wondering if you guys notice any specific behavior in your non prolific (breed every day) species. Not courtship or flirtation just changes you have seen your fish go through when they may be developing eggs or gearing up to breed. I'm asking because my female Apisto is doing something I call the "high rub." Where instead of dwelling at the mid to lower levels of the tank, she goes to the surface and just sits there for a while or swims towards the surface with her stomach pressed against the glass. With my first AP species I thought it was symptomatic of a parasite or some type of disease and did all the relevant tests and even added treatments unnecessarily. But I have kept three AP species over the years and have come to realize that this behavior is a sign that she is developing eggs.
Do you guys notice any pre spawning behavior or any tell tale signs that your female is moving into maturity?
Do you guys notice any pre spawning behavior or any tell tale signs that your female is moving into maturity?