- Site Upgrade 12/16

And there is no edit button for the posts so if you make a mistake or want to add stuff, you can't.

You should be able to edit your own posts. The edit button is in the bottom left.
Screen Shot 2019-12-17 at 11.46.35 AM.png
I have an edit button now. thankyou.

I don't like the window that pops up on the screen when I mouse over a title. That's getting really annoying.

And you need to separate the new posts we have read from the new posts we haven't read. Right now all the posts are together and the ones that I have clicked on are mixed with the ones I haven't clicked. The only difference is the size of the font for the title of the threads.
The size of the font indicates what posts have been read/unread. The threads in bold contains post that are unread.

However, if you click on "What's New" at the top, and then on "New Posts", this will show only unread post.

Screen Shot 2019-12-17 at 1.17.35 PM.png
@seangee - This is done! Let me know if this is what you had in mind.
Nice one - yes exactly. Where I did this (with SMF) the links were paginated and the current page is marked as read - but its already really useful :good:
I have an edit button - has edit become a moderator-only tool?
Hmmm...I have the edit too. @Colin_T, do you see 3 dots and a down arrow at the lower left corner under the post? It’s to the right of report.
WOW! The site is looking snazzy and sparkly. Love the changes. I thought I was on the wrong site for a moment when I logged in.
WOW! The site isn’t looking snazzy and sparkly. Love the changes. I thought I was on the wrong site for a moment where I logged in.
Isn’t looking snazzy or is looking snazzy? I’m confused
Is. Sorry, sometimes when I’m on my phone I assume auto correct knows what I meant.
Sorry ...;)
Latest posts panel in threads is being cached (or perhaps not displaying in reverse time order)
I confess I am a massive fan of add free browsing. I also confess that I didn't notice because I block adds.

But the site won't pay its own way for licence fees, hosting costs, SSL certs etc. - and of course beer and pizza for the admin(s).
Not today's problem but I am happy to go on record as being willing to pay a subscription for a premium membership and leave the adds in for non premium subscribers to contribute to running costs.

Edit: Just seen they do still exist, just not intrusive. My comment still stands :D
I have a question.

I use a Windows 10 laptop, and my web browser is Waterfox. When log in to TFF, the tab has a number in brackets in front of the site name. This number decreases as I look at all the new posts. But today, even though there are no new post in the list now, nor new profile posts, the figure 1 is still there. While I have been typing, there is another new post and the number has gone up to 3. it is also there in the task bar.

What does this number actually mean? Attached screenshot to show what I mean.
TFF 2.jpg
I've worked it out. It's the number of threads I haven't read yet which contain "reactions" - what used to be called alerts :)

Most reactions
