My ph is around 8.3-8.4 and I don't know what kind of of fish can tolerate/adjust to such a high ph. I don't want to mess with my parameters. Any reasonable fish suggestions will be appreciated, thank you!
Most fish can adjust to a high ph. Just be sure to drip acclimate them very slowly. I have a dwarf puffer and some ghost shrimp in a 5 gallon with a ph of 8.2. He is doing great. A 10 gallon can house 2-3 puffers. Try to get only one male, then he will be less agressive. You'll need a lot of hiding places and plants to break up sight lines. They are very messy and require heavy filtration and 50% water changes each week. But they are definitely worth the time. http/
Thanks for the suggestion! I know many fish can be acclimated to different ph levels I was just wondering if someone could give me more specific examples.