First Time Setting Up A Planted Tank


Fish Crazy
Sep 12, 2013
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I'm looking to set up my first planted tank. The dimensions are  60 (w) x 30 (d) x 30 (h) and it is a 54l tank. I planning on eventually having a betta and some corys in it. I know all about cycling, I already have an established 65l tank but it's got plastic plants. I have a couple of questions about setting it up.
What kind of substrate should I be using?
I have access to both hard and soft water, which would be best for a relatively low light tank?
What kind of plants can I have in a low light tank?
I live in a part of Australia with strict quarantine laws so buying fish/plants online is troublesome. I'm pretty restricted with what kinds of plants I can buy and I only have access to one pet shop though they may be able to order in something specific for me (like my betta).
Any help would be appreciated.
:hi: to the forum.

I find that sand is the best to use. 100% organic soil can also be good! Sand will be the best for the cory's.

I think that either hard or soft water will be fine. Whichevers easiest I guess :p

Java fern (attached to some driftwood) is relatively good under low light.
I'm pretty sure hygrophila is good too.

I'm with you on the quarantine laws, they suck pretty bad! Especially when the plant you want isn't available.
There are however quite a few Australian plant and fish websites.
I can't remember the name of any right now but I'm sure if you PM TallTree01 and ask him he will know :)
Not sure if you can PM though because you're a new member ????
Thanks. One of my friends led me here 
I may have to find sand online since I'm not entirely sure if the pet shop here stocks it. I've honestly never seen it here.
I was thinking about java ferns, I'm quite a fan of how they look.
Haha it's pretty bad here. I need a permit to bring in any aquatic plant or animal from interstate and I'm not sure if driftwood is included in that because of the vague wording 
  I'd love to get a some for my tank though.

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