Fish Crazy
A couple of months ago I posted about discovering live fish in the tank that was inaccessible for a long time. Instead of trying to get that tank running from such disastrous conditions, I decided it would be easier to get the remaining fish into a smaller tank and slowly improve the water quality from there. I was nervous I would shock them by putting them into too much new water. Anyway, that worked out well and the water is definitely at normal conditions now. I planned on moving them back to the large tank last month, but was unwell, so have just started setting that one up today. It is currently filtering after having added new sand. Once the water has settled and it is clear, I plan to rinse any dust from the sponges, add the rest of my filter medium, and seed the tank with the sponges from the small tank that they are currently in. Once it has cycled I will move them over.
Unfortunately we only have one tetra and one bristlenose now. (To be fair though, the other bristlenose was about ten years old so whilst the incident probably didn't help, I have the feeling it would have happened in the not-too-distant future anyway. ) Anyway, I will have to get some emperor tetras first to make my one remaining more comfortable, but this whole series of events has completely thrown me and I don't know what to do with the rest of the tank. I thought I was starting from scratch and considered a cichlid tank, but now know this won't be possible. Can anyone help me with the rest?
I hope to get the tank very well planted eventually, but I have had mixed success with having many plants at once in the past, so am going with the assumption that it will be medium-planted for now. I am going to get some Malaysian trumpet snails to keep the sand in decent condition. Would it be silly to order some on ebay? I don't know of a place around me that gives them away. I want a pair of cichlids of some type, but no idea which. I expect these to be the last fish I add, but for planning purposes, does anyone have any suggestions? I had some nannacara anomala that I loved in the past, but haven't found any for sale since.
If I have a group of emperor tetras (size depending on what else I get), my bristlenose, and probably some type of dwarf cichlid, what else would be interesting to put in, assuming I can find them? I had some orange finned danios that I enjoyed a lot. I think if I found some they would be an option, if that gives an idea of what I like. I also had some pentazona barbs. I do hesitate about recreating an old tank when I have this "opportunity" (I hesitate to call of this an opportunity) to do something different.
Also, does anyone have any opinions on going into Edinburgh and getting a train back with fish? I know a few good places there for fish, but not so many around me. The train take 1.5 hours at most, but it would probably be about an hour from the store to the train leaving. I've never travelled as long as that with newly purchased fish. Thanks in advance.
ETA: Would it work to just have the tetras with the orange finned danios (if I find them) OR pentazona barbs if I can't find the danios, and a pair of cichlids along with my bristlenose? I don't think I would mind having a species tank, but I don't want to keep the tetra on its own, and I'm not sure I want a tank with only emperor tetras.
Unfortunately we only have one tetra and one bristlenose now. (To be fair though, the other bristlenose was about ten years old so whilst the incident probably didn't help, I have the feeling it would have happened in the not-too-distant future anyway. ) Anyway, I will have to get some emperor tetras first to make my one remaining more comfortable, but this whole series of events has completely thrown me and I don't know what to do with the rest of the tank. I thought I was starting from scratch and considered a cichlid tank, but now know this won't be possible. Can anyone help me with the rest?
I hope to get the tank very well planted eventually, but I have had mixed success with having many plants at once in the past, so am going with the assumption that it will be medium-planted for now. I am going to get some Malaysian trumpet snails to keep the sand in decent condition. Would it be silly to order some on ebay? I don't know of a place around me that gives them away. I want a pair of cichlids of some type, but no idea which. I expect these to be the last fish I add, but for planning purposes, does anyone have any suggestions? I had some nannacara anomala that I loved in the past, but haven't found any for sale since.
If I have a group of emperor tetras (size depending on what else I get), my bristlenose, and probably some type of dwarf cichlid, what else would be interesting to put in, assuming I can find them? I had some orange finned danios that I enjoyed a lot. I think if I found some they would be an option, if that gives an idea of what I like. I also had some pentazona barbs. I do hesitate about recreating an old tank when I have this "opportunity" (I hesitate to call of this an opportunity) to do something different.
Also, does anyone have any opinions on going into Edinburgh and getting a train back with fish? I know a few good places there for fish, but not so many around me. The train take 1.5 hours at most, but it would probably be about an hour from the store to the train leaving. I've never travelled as long as that with newly purchased fish. Thanks in advance.
ETA: Would it work to just have the tetras with the orange finned danios (if I find them) OR pentazona barbs if I can't find the danios, and a pair of cichlids along with my bristlenose? I don't think I would mind having a species tank, but I don't want to keep the tetra on its own, and I'm not sure I want a tank with only emperor tetras.