Filter Help!


Mostly New Member
Jun 7, 2014
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Okay so to begin I am having my Electric Meter replaced at home, as it was running 400% faster than it should for the last 2 years! (Yes I get all the money back that I've paid, A pair of new louboutins for me I think!)
Anyway when the engineer comes to replace it, presumable the electricity is going to be turned off. Meaning the filter in my tank will also be off.
How long can i have the filter off for before it becomes an issue? Because i have no-one living next to me, so I cant borrow some electricity.
What do I do?
Ive questioned the time the power will be out and Ive been told that it all depends on the engineer, but around 2hr is an estimate.
Help please!!!
 - Hxoxoxoxoxo
Mine has been off for at least a day with no problems, some way longer than that (best was a canister that was off for many weeks (i did open it give everything a quick rinse and started it back up, no problems came from it, tank stayed cycled)

Bacteria is hardier than many think
You should be fine, I have been through a 9 hour powercut with no problems. The only thing I would recommend is turn off your filter so you can attach a hose to the outlet and into a bucket when you turn it back on, just to run through any debris that may have floated around, rather than it go straight into your tank.
2 hours is nothing really to worry about.
if you are really worried why not have a chat with your neighbor and see if he/she will let run an extension lead from their house just to run your aquarium?
it will only cost a few pennies to run for a few hours.
then again, i dont think it will take that long to refit an electricity meter. 

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