Extremely High Nitrates!


Fish Crazy
Apr 4, 2010
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After several deaths, I have taken a water sample to my LFS to be tested. They said that my nitrates are extremely high (between 50-80) and that I should buy some kind of live bacteria that I empty into the tank that will eliminate the nitrates quickly. I bought that bacteria and used it 3 days ago now(they said it would take a couple of days), and I have tested the water myself and the nitrates are still between 50-100 on my chart.

I have some TetraAqua NitrateMinus, should I put some of this in now, or will the live bacteria still be working?! Please help!!! Thanks
for Nitrates, you simply do a water change to lower the numbers. How often do you do a water change on your tank and how much do you change? From my understanding, fish are more tolerant of nitrates than they are of ammonia and nitrites, and can withstand levels of over 100. I don't think this is the reason your fish are dying and i think your LFS are just finding a way of getting cash out of you with the TetraAqua NitrateMinus (whatever the heck that is lol)
What test kit do the lfs use.

You really need to test your tap nitrate reading. Liquid test kits are the best.

Water changes.
Rinse one of your filter sponges in old tank water slightly if its really mucked up. Only one sponge.
Good gravel vac. Remove ornaments so you can hoover under them.
Your tanks overstocked.
Do you over filter your tank.
How often do you do a water change on your tank and how much do you change? From my understanding, fish are more tolerant of nitrates than they are of ammonia and nitrites, and can withstand levels of over 100. I don't think this is the reason your fish are dying and i think your LFS are just finding a way of getting cash out of you with the TetraAqua NitrateMinus (whatever the heck that is lol)

I do a 30% water change every week or 2. I am sort of hoping that this is the problem so at least I know how to deal with it! I'll see if I get any more problems after I have sorted the nitrates out. Thanks

Just do a massive water change, no need for chemicals!

Thanks, I'm going to do this and replace the water with bottled water.

What test kit do the lfs use.

You really need to test your tap nitrate reading. Liquid test kits are the best.

Water changes.
Rinse one of your filter sponges in old tank water slightly if its really mucked up. Only one sponge.
Good gravel vac. Remove ornaments so you can hoover under them.

They use the standard API liquid test kit. I bought one of these after as well, and I tested my tap water reading. It was approx. 25mg/l. I am going to do a water change but replace the water with bottled water instead. I tested this bottled water which showed there was 0mg/l in it.
I do 30% water changes every week or 2, and I'll try giving the tank a good gravel vacuum and give one of the sponges a clean. Thanks

Your tanks overstocked.
Do you over filter your tank.

Oh I didn't realise :S When you say overfilter... I use a 1000l/h filter which I think is quite high for the tank. Is this bad? Thanks
I would stick to tap water. My tap water in nitrate about 27.
The bottled water the ph will be different.

With your tank being overstocked you need to be doing a gravel vac and water change once a week. Sometimes twice.
Also best to over filter a tank. Especially if it's over stocked.
Well I did a water change of 20 litres 2 days with bottled water that had 0 nitrates, and did another test today and the reading is still around 50mg/l+. In this water change I also did a really good vacuum of the bottom after removing all objects from the tank. Is it possilbe that the bog wood which has been in the tank for around 3months or so could be causing the high nitrates? I am going to do another water change with the bottled water.
Well I did a water change of 20 litres 2 days with bottled water that had 0 nitrates, and did another test today and the reading is still around 50mg/l+. In this water change I also did a really good vacuum of the bottom after removing all objects from the tank. Is it possilbe that the bog wood which has been in the tank for around 3months or so could be causing the high nitrates? I am going to do another water change with the bottled water.

I agree with the other person about bottled water, wouldnt it be best to stick to tap for the long run.
I think you have quite a few fish too for your tank size, so naturally their waste is going to pollute quickly, excessive food doesnt help either. I guess just keeping the tank clean, performing water changes more than once every week, plants also utilize nitrates which may help to some extent. Buying a good test kit of your own is always a good, as you mentioned, as some LFS can tell you rubbish.

I have a 220L tank, did a 25% water change 2 days ago, and a 15% water change today and even after 2 days the muck I got from the gravel is astonishing.

Let us know how you get on.
Well I managed to get the nitrates down to 15mg/l through lots of water changes, but I have had another fish death today :( one of my penguin tetra died mysteriously. She has been lethargic for a while but I though it was just that the other fish were bullying her or something- but there are no visible signs of illness. I also have a cockatoo dwarf cichlid that really isn't right. He's sat on the bottom all of the time and isnt eating. When I was doing a water change and put my hand near him he didn't even bother to move away. His dorsal fin is up and he is quite dark in colour, and I think he might die soon :( would it do him any good if I bathed him in a salt bath? If so, how much salt and for how long? Any other advice appreciated!!! Thanks
You will get sick fish in an overstocked tank, bad water quality.

I would add a bacterial med to the tank.
Soak there food in garlic just to stimulate appetite, and boost there immune system.

Not eating, looking pale or darker in colour, acting listless and lethagic, can be signs of a bacterial infection.
may i just ask what is wrong with
your tap water have you looked on the label
on bottled water
You will get sick fish in an overstocked tank, bad water quality.

I would add a bacterial med to the tank.
Soak there food in garlic just to stimulate appetite, and boost there immune system.

Not eating, looking pale or darker in colour, acting listless and lethagic, can be signs of a bacterial infection.

Well I will try soaking their food in garlic, but I think my cichlid is close to dying :( He is led on the bottom all the time and kind of on his side. He is very lathargic. So I have put him in a breeding trap so that he can rest without being pestered. The only bacterial med I have is King British Disease Clear. I am not sure if this will do any good, do you know about the treatment. I will not be able to get any bacterial medicine until tomorrow now. Thanks, and please reply asap!

may i just ask what is wrong with
your tap water have you looked on the label
on bottled water

Well my tap water has 25mg/l of nitrates, and the bottled water had 0. However, the pH of the bottled water was high meaning that I couldn't use the bottled water for a water change. Therefore, I have just done lots of water changes with tap water recently and the nitrates have gone down to around 15mg/l which is better. Thanks
Forget the king british med, its for external bacteria infections. You need an internal bacteria med.

You need something like anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
If you could isolate I would suggest double dosing. You can double dose in severe cases.

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