Does my platy have ich? Please help!


New Member
Jan 26, 2021
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United Kingdom

As mentioned in the title of this thread, I’m wondering if my platy has ich. About a week ago I noticed that the fish didn’t seem to be pooping, and seemed very lethargic. I fasted the tank for a day and fed peas afterwards. Then she seemed to perk up.

Then, unfortunately she started to develop these small, flat brown spots on her head (I’ve attached pictures) and now I’ve spotted a tiny white bump on her tail which I suspect is ich.

The tank is 40 litres, and holds two platies, two guppies and 6 cardinal tetras in total. Anmonia is 0ppm, Nitrite is 0ppm and Nitrate is 10ppm. I’m now aware that this tank isn’t an ideal setup (my LFS gave me incorrect advice), and I’ve begged my parents to let me set up the empty 91 litre tank we have in the garage but they won’t let me. I feel terrible about the fish not being in a bigger tank, so I focus on keeping the water clean and giving them a balanced diet so that they have the best life they can given the circumstances. If anyone has any advice on rehoming fish, I would appreciate it.

Anyway, so I’m worried about my platy. Does she have ich, and what steps can I take to get rid of it?



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That's not ich. Ich is like a small bit of salt on the fish. I don't know this is.
it's not white spot.

it is probably just brown colouration on the fish. monitor and see if it changes over the next few weeks. if it does, post more pictures.
it's not white spot.

it is probably just brown colouration on the fish. monitor and see if it changes over the next few weeks. if it does, post more pictures.
Thanks. Is the tiny white spot on the tail anything to worry about? I’ve circled it in the first picture although it is a bit hard to see. She seems to be sitting on the gravel a lot, apart from when I go up to feed them all and she suddenly has more energy. She’s eating fine too.
the mark on the tail looks like calcium and doesn't look like white spot.

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